Sploh Institute
2 May 2024
5 May 2024
Slovene choreovocalist Irena Z. Tomažin and German vocal dancer (TonTanz) Jule Flierl will be honoring the avantgarde poet and performer Katalin Ladik with "U.F.O. - Hommage to Katalin Ladik". After the performance, there will be a talk with the artists and with Slovene philosopher and dramaturg Bojana Kunst, joined by dramaturg and crator Mateusz Szymanówka.
Produced by Irena Z. Tomažin and Jule Flierl in coproduction with Sophiensæle, Sploh Institute, CharleroiDanse, PACT Zollverein, and City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts. Supported by Creative Europe, Hauptstadtkulturfonds and HKF-Wiederaufnahmefonds, and SKICA Berlin, Slovenian Cultural Centre, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin.
17 Feb 2020
Percussionist Vid Drašler (Sploh Institute) in concert with Tom Jackson,
8 Jan 2020
20 Jan 2020
Teja Reba (City of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture) as moderator at a round table titled Increasing the Visibility of Female Artists and video interviews with Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik, Kaja Draksler, Maja Osojnik and Nina Dragičević, conducted by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute), at MusicaFemina International Symposium, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Budapest,
13 Nov 2019
A concert by Irena Tomažin and Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute) at the New Adits Festival of Contemporary Music
29 Oct 2019
1 Nov 2019
Tomaž Grom, Ana Kravanja, and Samo Kutin (Sploh Institute) perform at the In Opposition Festival
1 Oct 2019
2 Oct 2019
Neforma - Dialogues, improvisations in music and dance by dancers Katja Legin and Vid Nemec and musicians Tomaž Grom, Ana Kravanja, Samo Kutin, Vid Drašler, produced by Sploh Institute),
22 Sep 2019
Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute) performs with Martin Küchen
13 Jul 2019
A concert by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute) and Samo Kutin (Sploh Institute)
9 May 2019
31 May 2019
iMstrument installation and opening performance by Tomaž Grom, Sploh Institute, visualisation by Tilen Sepič, supported by Slovenian Culture and Information Centre, Vienna (SKICA) (Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Vienna),
8 Mar 2019
The concert Voice and Bass by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute) and Irena Tomažin, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin and the Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin,
6 Mar 2019
Germany Berlin Spektrum
iMstrument, developed by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute), visualisation by Tilen Sepič, recording and video editing by Ana Čigon, processing by Vasja Progar, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin and Slovenian Cultural Centre in Berlin
11 Jan 2019
12 Jan 2019
Switzerland Biel/Bienne
Concerts by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute) and the international electroacoustic ensemble Šalter Ensemble, featuring also Slovenian musicians and improvisers Irena Tomažin, Samo Kutin, and Tomaž Grom,
9 Jan 2019
Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute) performs with Tanja Brüggemann and Christian Weber at a series of music events Signale Graz
25 Nov 2018
A solo performance by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute)
16 Nov 2018
25 Jan 2019
Croatia Rijeka Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Reading Stanley Brown by Tao Vrhovec Sambolec, co-produced by Projekt Atol Institute and Sploh Institute, featured at a group exhibition Escape,
23 Aug 2018
Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute) and Primož Sukič perform in duets with Serbian artists Mirjana Raić and Marina Džukljev respectively, hosted by Improstor,
7 Sep 2017
Promising! #10, performed by Loup Abramovici and Tomaž Grom with special guest Roberta Milevoj, produced by Via Negativa and co-produced by Sploh Institute, at the Electro Camp Festival
11 May 2017
2 Jul 2017
You Gotta Say Yes to Another Access, an exhibition featuring a work from the collection Rhythms of Presence by Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, co-produced by Projekt Atol Institute and Sploh Institute,
6 May 2017
13 May 2017
Command-Alternative-Escape, an exhibition featuring a work from the collection Rhythms of Presence by Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, co-produced by Projekt Atol Institute and Sploh Institute,
1 Sep 2016
21 Sep 2016
Rhythms of Presence, a solo exhibition by Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, co-produced by Projekt Atol Institute and Sploh Institute,
16 Aug 2016
Visual Hallucination / Auditory Hallucination (Unrepeatable) – musical instrument, an interactive installation by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute), supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Washington,
21 Apr 2016
Visual Hallucination / Auditory Hallucination (Unrepeatable) – musical instrument, an interactive installation by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute), at the DobiaArtEventi Multumedia Art Festival
20 Aug 2015
26 Aug 2015
Concerts by Trojnik Collective -- Tomaž Grom, Vid Drašler and Cene Resnik, Izland & jesusonecstasy -- Gašper Milkovič Biloslav, Marko Vivoda and Mitja Cerkvenik, Kača, Sraka in Lev featuring Marko Lasič, and Watch for Dogs featuring Cene Resnik and Zlatko Kaučič, and Visual Hallucination, Auditory Hallucination (Unrepeatable), an interactive installation by Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute), at the DobiArtEventi Festival
18 Jul 2015
Trojnik Collective -- Tomaž Grom, Vid Drašler and Cene Resnik at the Tracento Jazz festival
25 Apr 2015
26 Apr 2015
A concert by Tomaž Grom, Vid Drašler and Cene Resnik at the WHAT FOR? Art(ist)>Act(ivist)>Work(ers)>FACK borders
14 Jan 2015
A concert also featuring contrabassist Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute)
13 Jan 2015
A concert also featuring contrabassist Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute)
26 Oct 2014
Tomaž Grom and Rahra Avis at Musictechfest
3 Oct 2014
4 Oct 2014
Maja Osojnik (Maja Osojnik Band), Tomaž Grom (TILT, Sploh Institute), Samo Kutin (Salamandra Salamandra), Irena Tomažin (Emanat Institute), and other Slovene musicians at the festival Ljubljana Ljubljena (Beloved)
30 Jun 2014
7 Jul 2014
Tomaž Grom (Sploh Institute) at the FACK MSUV
8 Nov 2013
9 Nov 2013
Concerts by Wanda & Nova deViator (Emanat Institute) and Duo Tomazin Grom (Sploh Institute), a performance by Miha Ciglar (Institute for Sonic Arts Research), and lectures by Jurij Krpan (Kapelica Gallery) and Luka Zagoričnik, at the CULTURESCAPES
23 Aug 2013
Tomaž Grom, Irena Tomažin, Elena Boschi and Andre Vida
The many projects of Sploh Institute are closely knit and mutually supportive, with the participants of the workshops also releasing music on the label, performing at the festival, leading workshops themselves, and naturally also being part of the audience.
Music production and publishing
Though the musical enterprises of Tomaž Grom, such as TILT, Alzheimer3, Trojnik, and other more transitory collaborations, form the bulk of the Sploh Institute label, there are also various other releases. Some of the musicians who appear on the label are Vid Drašler, Tao G. Vrhovec, Seijiro Murayama, Luka Juhart, and Jonas Kocher. One of the released projects was also a live-recording of a concert series for children and families by various performers, based on poetry for children written by award-winning Slovene poet Tone Pavček.
For most of its releases, Sploh offers its studio, handles the post-production, and sometimes also manages international booking.
Music cycles and other music events
Since 2007, Sploh Institute has been organising the music cycle Con-Fine Aperto. At the start, it functioned primarily as a merging of poetry and lectures with music, but later the series more or less focused on presenting and bridging various musical genres like jazz, modern compositions, improvisations, and electro-acoustic. Some of the artists who have performed on the series include Okkyung Lee, Doug Hammond, Seymour Wright, Li Tiequiao, Lucio Capece, Toshimaru Nakamura, Paul Abbott, Cene Resnik, Irena Tomažin, Marjan Stanić, Borut Savski, Bratko Bibič, Kaja Draksler, and also the poets Ana Pepelnik and Primož Čučnik (both of them long-time collaborators of Sploh Institute).
Another music cycle is Zvokotok, which is dedicated to contemporary composed music, played for example by Luka Juhart, Miha Ciglar, and Theremidi Orchestra. The events take place at different venues, from Španski borci Culture Centre to Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Cankarjev dom, Sajeta Creative Camp, Radio Slovenia, and Stara Elektrarna - Old Power Station.
The third regular cycle, done in collaboration with En-Knap Productions, is Neforma, a series of improvisations that features artists from the fields of contemporary music and contemporary dance. Some of the dancers and performers who have participated are Dragana Alfirević, Loup Abramovici, Radharani Pernarčič, Teja Reba, Tina Janežič, Leja Jurišič, and Dejan Srhoj.
The annual music festival Sound Disobedience, introduced in 2012, is in a way a culmination of all these programmes.
Workshops, performances and international activities
Within the framework of its past project Maximatika, Sploh Institute presented various concerts and workshops which focused on creating sound textures and musical structures with the help of live digital sound processing. The on-going workshop series Search and Reflect, inspired by the famous English percussionist Eddie Prévost's didactic methods, is dedicated to musical improvisation, listening practices, and various modes of musical expression.
Among the numerous other performances and installations, one can mention the concert/performance Soul, noise, valve and wire. It is a live performance interspersed with video and audio recordings from the streets of various Balkan cities, where Tomaž Grom offered his original music to interpretation by street musicians (often immigrants or homeless) from Pristina, Novi Sad, Tuzla, Maribor, Tetovo, and Zagreb.
Another curious project is called Visual Hallucination / Auditory Hallucination (Unrepeatable). It is some sort of a multimedia musical instrument that consists of recorded solo musical sequences performed by a continuously growing number of different musicians like Daichi Yoshikawa, Franz Hautzinger, Lee Patterson, Olivier Toulemonde, Ute Kanngiesser, Jennifer Allum and Tristan Honsinger. The project was presented at Media Nox Gallery, Dobbia Lab (IT), Casa Madiba (IT), Music Tech Fest (DE), F.U.C.K. festival (RS), and some other events.