Institute for Sonic Arts Research
21 Nov 2014
23 Nov 2014
A concert and lecture by Miha Ciglar (Institute for Sonic Arts Research) in the framework of the project Virtual Source at Music Tech Fest
8 Nov 2013
9 Nov 2013
Concerts by Wanda & Nova deViator (Emanat Institute) and Duo Tomazin Grom (Sploh Institute), a performance by Miha Ciglar (Institute for Sonic Arts Research), and lectures by Jurij Krpan (Kapelica Gallery) and Luka Zagoričnik, at the CULTURESCAPES
8 May 2013
9 May 2013
A live performance by Miha Ciglar using the Acouspade directional sound system and a presentation of the new Ultrasonic-audio gadgets, supported by the Institute for Sonic Arts Research,
22 Jun 2012
24 Jun 2012
Miha Ciglar, Institute for Sonic Arts Research at the BEAM, Brunel Electronic and Analogue Music Festival
21 Jun 2012
A presentation by Miha Ciglar, Institute for Sonic Arts Research
20 Apr 2012
Institute for Sonic Arts Research - Miha Ciglar and Miha Horvat perform
9 Feb 2012
Ultrasound Haptics Project presentation by Miha Ciglar, Institute for Sonic Arts Research
11 Nov 2010
Ultrasound Haptics Project - a lecture by Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research at 6pm
7 Nov 2010
Ultrasound Haptics Project, a lecture and performance by Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research
4 Nov 2010
Ultrasound Haptics Project, a lecture and performance by Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research at the Festival Visiones Sonoras
30 Oct 2010
Sonic beams / Acoustic shadows, Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research performs together with Marko Ciciliani and Karlheinz Essl at 8pm
22 Oct 2010
Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research lectures on Ultrasound Haptics Project at the Interface Culture Department from 1.30pm to 7.30pm
23 Sep 2010
1 Oct 2010
Japan Tokyo Miraikan – National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation and SuperDeluxe, Waseda University Toyama Campus
The works by Miha Ciglar, Stefan Doepner, Sanela Jahić, Janez Janša, Borut Savski and Sašo Sedlaček, coorganised by Kapelica Gallery at the Device_Art 3.010 Festival
11 Jun 2010
Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research lectures on Ultrasound Haptics Project
10 Jun 2010
Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research performance
5 Jun 2010
Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research performance at Stony Brook University, Computer Science building - NY
3 Jun 2010
Miha Ciglar from Institute for Sonic Arts Research lectures Ultrasound Haptics Project at International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)
Miha Ciglar regularly performs and lectures abroad. Among the recent projects run by the IRZU was the series of lectures on Theory and Techniques of Contemporary Music and the Ultrasound Haptics Project in 2010.
EarZoom Sonic Arts Festival
The EarZoom Sonic Arts Festival in Ljubljana features electro-acoustic performances, lectures, installations by invited foreign and domestic artists and sonic researchers. One of the aims of the festival in 2009 was to push the dialogue amongst the existing Slovene institutions which have already been involved in contemporary music and sonic arts but mainly on an individual basis. In 2010, the 6-day festival featured over 40 international scientists and artists. The EarZoom2012 will form a platform for the 38th International Computer Music Conference in Ljubljana in September 2012.
International cooperation
In 2010 IRZU co-founded T.R.A.C.E.S. – Transcultural Research, Artist, Curator Exchange Series together with Trans Cultures, Mons (BE), Nida Art Colony, Vilnius (LT), The Kitchen, Budapest (HU), Pixelache, Helsinki (FI), and MIGA Migrating Art Academies, Berlin (DE). The project is funded by the European Commission and has furthered the festival's aim to create a referential international platform for discussing the latest developments within audio technology research and the artistic trends of sonic practices.
See also
External links
- The Institute for Sonic Arts Research website
- Miha Ciglar's website
- The 2010 EarZoom Sonic Arts Festival programme (pdf)
- EarZoom Festival description on Slovene Culture Contact Point website
- T.R.A.C.E.S. project description on Slovene Culture Contact Point website
- Miha Ciglar's Ultrasound Haptics Project
- International Computer Music Conference in Ljubljana 2012 website
- Music
- Festival organisers
- New media art
- New media art producers
- EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)
- EU Culture funding recipient
- Film producers
- Music festival and event organisers
- Music course and workshop organisers
- New media art course and workshop organisers
- Education and Research