Šerpa Literary Art Association

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Literarno-umetniško društvo Šerpa (LUD Šerpa)
Stražarjeva 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 41 521 033

Šerpa Literary Art Association (LUD Šerpa) was founded in 2003 as a non - profit publisher of books by Slovene authors, translations of historical avant-garde texts which have not hitherto been published in Slovenian, and marginal texts by well-known authors. LUD Šerpa's catalogue also includes visual arts publications, including Ode on Manhattan Avenue (2003), a project by writers Primož Čučnik and Gregor Podlogar in collaboration with the visual artist Žiga Kariž.


Lud Šerpa also organises a variety of literary-musical performances, book and author presentations, and cultural events in collaboration with other literary and cultural associations. In 2007 LUD Šerpa and Sploh Institute organised the first in a series of literary and experimental music events at Kodeljevo Castle. Today, the series continues under the moniker Con-Fine Aperto at Metelkova's Klub Menza pri koritu. The events encourage the cooperation of artists from various creative backgrounds and fields (from classical to sub-cultural, musical and literary) in an attempt to conflate and transcend musical (jazz, modern compositions, improvisations, and electro-acoustic) and literary genres.

See also

External links

Literarno-umetniško društvo Šerpa (LUD Šerpa) +
Literarno-umetniško društvo Šerpa (LUD Šerpa) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Stražarjeva 24 +
Šerpa Literary Art Association (LUD ŠeŠerpa Literary Art Association (LUD Šerpa) was founded in 2003 as a non - profit publisher of books by Slovene authors, translations of historical avant-garde texts which have not hitherto been published in Slovenian, and marginal texts by well-known authors. and marginal texts by well-known authors. +
Šerpa Literary Art Association (LUD Šerpa)Šerpa Literary Art Association (LUD Šerpa) was founded in 2003 as a non - profit publisher of books by Slovene authors, translations of historical avant-garde texts which have not hitherto been published in Slovenian, and marginal texts by well-known authors. and marginal texts by well-known authors. +
LUD Šerpa je v svoj založniški program uvršča tako knjige slovenskih avtorjev kot tudi prevode zgodovinskih avantgardnih besedil, ki doslej še niso izšla v slovenskem jeziku. +
+386 / 41 521 033 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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