Association of Slovene Photographers



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Društvo fotografov Slovenije
Tržaška cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone386 (0) 1 425 2307

The Association of Slovene Photographers was established in 1973 by 68 members who were all professional photographers from various towns in Slovenia. Today it has around 300 members, all professionally engaged in photography. Their activities include educational work, preserving the photography heritage, and organising lectures, exhibitions and fairs.

The Association of Slovene Photographers founded the magazine Fotografija, Magazine on Photography, which is published by the Contemporary Culture and Science Institute (ZSKZ Ljubljana).

Fotoantika fair

One of the most known events by the Association is the traditional annual Fotoantika fair at Križanke, a picturesque outdoor venue in Ljubljana. Over its more than 35 years of existence it has gained international recognition and is visited by over 2,000 visitors each year. The fair offers the possibility to sell or purchase old photo equipment and the organiser also prepares a traditional auction. Usually it also features an improvised photo atelier to get an impression of the art of taking pictures one hundred years ago.

Other endeavours

The Association of Slovene Photographers has cooperated with the Secondary School for Design and Photography, Ljubljana in developing its curriculum, and with the Chamber of Craft of Slovenia and other organisations related to photography.

See also

External links

Društvo fotografov Slovenije +
Društvo fotografov Slovenije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Tržaška cesta 2 +
The Association of Slovene Photographers was established in 1973 by 68 members who were all professional photographers from various towns in Slovenia. +
The Association of Slovene Photographers was established in 1973 by 68 members who were all professional photographers from various towns in Slovenia. +
+386 / 1 425 2307 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +