Chamber of Craft of Slovenia



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Obrtna zbornica Slovenije
Celovška 71, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 583 0500

The Chamber of Craft of Slovenia comprises a Secretariat, an Economic System Department, a Foreign Economic Relations Department, a Legal Department, an Education/Training Department, an Info-System Department and a Department for European Affairs. It monitors conditions of work and suggests changes in legislation for individual activities and improvements in doing business. The Chamber co-operates in the provision of regular and supplementary professional craft training, organising promotions for domestic and foreign markets, supporting the rational use of energy and environmental protection and lobbying for the common interests of its members in the bodies of the Chamber and in other institutions.

Among its 27 sections are Photographers and Related Crafts, Graphic and Paper Craft, Textile Crafts, Home Craft and Applied Art. The latter, for instance, is responsible for supporting the development of home craft and applied art and its committee evaluates a product and issues a certificate. A register of manufacturers of home craft and applied art is kept and biennial exhibitions of Slovene craft and applied art products are also organised.

External links

Obrtna zbornica Slovenije +
Obrtna zbornica Slovenije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Celovška 71 +
The Chamber of Craft of Slovenia comprises a Secretariat, an Economic System Department, a Foreign Economic Relations Department, a Legal Department, an Education/Training Department, an Info-System Department and a Department for European Affairs. +
The Chamber of Craft of Slovenia comprises a Secretariat, an Economic System Department, a Foreign Economic Relations Department, a Legal Department, an Education/Training Department, an Info-System Department and a Department for European Affairs. +
+386 / 1 583 0500 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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