Pripovedovalski variete Cultural Association


Kulturno društvo Pripovedovalski variete
Trubarjeva cesta 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 31 751 841

Pripovedovalski variete Cultural Association is an organisation dedicated to studying, developing and promoting contemporary narration. It was founded in 2010; prior to that its activities were conducted within the framework of Priden Možic Cultural Association. In addition to organising narration evenings and other events, they strive to provide education in the field of storytelling by way of workshops, narration courses, lectures by and discussions with acclaimed Slovene and foreign experts and performers.


Pripovedovalski variete organises a series of narration evenings for adult audiences in association with the musical theatre Variete at the Grand Union Café in Ljubljana. The café hosts a variety of stage artists, who offer their own unique interpretations of different folk tales.

A concert narration dubbed Tri zdrave Marije in en oče naš [Three Hail Maries and One Our Father] constitutes their first regular production, which also tours on festivals across Slovenia.

Varietejček, a project aimed at children aged 3 to 7, encompasses narration as well as theatre activities. Children are afforded an opportunity to explore books, listen to folk and original fairy tales and take part in creative workshops.

The association participates in the Storytelling Festival, which is held in Cankarjev dom each year in March. Since 2015 they organize storytelling school together with the Vodnik Homestead.

FEST storytelling conference held in Ljubljana in 2018 was produced by Storytelling Variety and co-produced by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Mladinsko Theatre.

See also

External links

Kulturno društvo Pripovedovalski variete +
Kulturno društvo Pripovedovalski variete +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trubarjeva cesta 7 +
Pripovedovalski variete Cultural Association is an organisation dedicated to studying, developing and promoting contemporary narration. +
Pripovedovalski variete Cultural Association is an organisation dedicated to studying, developing and promoting contemporary narration. +
+386 / 31 751 841 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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