KUD Pozitiv Cultural Association

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Kulturno umetniško društvo Pozitiv (KUD Pozitiv)
Poljanska 26, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 474 8600
Past events

KUD Pozitiv was established in 1996 at the Ivan Cankar Student Residence Halls (Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja, DIC) in Ljubljana. Initially it facilitated youth cultural projects but has since evolved into a professional producer of theatre, dance, video, digital, and multimedia art projects and performances. In addition to its own productions, the group also coordinates youth exchange projects and workshops.


KUD Pozitiv began by issuing a bulletin which quickly grew into a wall newspaper. It subsequently organised a number of rock music workshops as well as dance and theatre activities. The first major project to have come from the association was the educational new media project Pozitiv – studying the media. In 1999–2000 KUD Pozitiv went international with its film and video project "Z-FILM" and stage show Dargop – The Bunk-bed Spirit.

In 2000, after the group had registered as a non-profit cultural and art association, its activities pushed the boundaries of amateur and youth culture, with many of its former student members – now professional artists in their own right – producing a number of significant projects.

National and international cooperations

KUD Pozitiv has at its disposal a space for rehearsals and experiments called Kreatorij DIC, which was presented at the international summer school held at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.

In 2010 KUD Pozitiv participated in the European Forum Capacity, Building for Intercultural Dialogue in Brussels with the project "Divided God", which promotes intercultural dialogue, especially its religious dimension. From 2009 to 2011 their foremost project was "Being" (Biti), which addressed such issues as quality of life and sustainable development.

The association collaborates with other student groups and with many Slovene and international cultural organisations, either as producer or as co-producer. Some projects ("No Man's Land", "Theatre and Move", "Petrovaradin Tribe") are showcased on the group's impressive website.

See also

External links

Kulturno umetniško društvo Pozitiv (KUD Pozitiv) +
Kulturno umetniško društvo Pozitiv (KUD Pozitiv) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Poljanska 26 +
KUD Pozitiv was established in 1996 at the Ivan Cankar Student Residence Halls (Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja, DIC) in Ljubljana. +
KUD Pozitiv was established in 1996 at the Ivan Cankar Student Residence Halls (Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja, DIC) in Ljubljana. +
KUD Pozitiv je producent gledaliških, plesnih in multimedijskih umetniških projektov in predstav. +
+386 / 1 474 8600 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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