Oxford Centre Bookshop

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Located near the Ljubljana Market, the Mladinska knjiga's Oxford Centre Bookshop specialises in foreign-language textbooks. It has a special contract with Oxford University Press as well as with Mary Glasgow Magazines-Scholastic and German publishers Langenscheidt and Max Hueber Verlag for the exclusive right to sell their textbooks. The bookstore also cooperates with Cambridge University Press, Macmillan, Summertown Publishing, Thomson Heinle ELT, Edilingua Grupo-sm, Anaya and Guerra Edizioni and offers also books for learning Italian, Spanish, French and other languages.


Throughout the school year, the Oxford Center Bookshop organises free teacher training workshops and seminars for foreign language teachers, English reading sessions and children's language-creative workshops.

The sales programme consists of textbooks for all levels of foreign language learning, additional materials and literature for foreign language teachers and professors, and an abundance of additional materials for learning foreign languages ​​– dictionaries, grammar books, tutorials, simplified readings, magazines, etc. Literature in foreign languages and materials for learning Slovenian for foreigners are also available.

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Knjigarna center Oxford +
Knjigarna center Oxford +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Kopitarjeva 2 +
Located near the Ljubljana Market, the Mladinska knjiga's Oxford Centre Bookshop specialises in foreign-language textbooks. +
Located near the Ljubljana Market, the Mladinska knjiga's Oxford Centre Bookshop specialises in foreign-language textbooks. +
+386 / 1 360 3786, 386 / 1 360 3789 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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