Loški oder Theatre

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KD Loški oder
Spodnji trg 14, SI-4220 Škofja Loka
Phone386 (0) 4 512 0850, 386 (0) 41 730 982

Based at its own venue, Loški oder Theatre is an ensemble of 12 amateur actors which presents new plays in repertory every year, primarily comedies or children plays. Apart from the repertory programme the Loški oder venue also hosts some performances by other Slovene theatre companies.

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... more about "Loški oder Theatre"
KD Loški oder +
46.164 +
KD Loški oder +
14.308 +
SI-4220 Škofja Loka +
Spodnji trg 14 +
Based at its own venue, Loški oder Theatre is an ensemble of 12 amateur actors which presents new plays in repertory every year, primarily comedies or children plays. +
Based at its own venue, Loški oder Theatre is an ensemble of 12 amateur actors which presents new plays in repertory every year, primarily comedies or children plays. +
KD Loški Oder je ansambel škofjeloških amaterskih igralcev, ki vsako leto v predstavi nove igre, predvsem komedije ali otroške igre. +
+386 / 4 512 0850, 386 / 41 730 982 +
Škofja Loka +
SI-4220 +
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