Photographic Federation of Slovenia



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Fotografska zveza Slovenije (FZS)
Beleharjeva 49a, SI-4208 Šenčur

Originally established in 1946 as the Photo-Kino Union of Slovenia, the Photographic Federation of Slovenia currently unites almost 30 Slovene photographic clubs. Beside announcing current events and maintaining an archive of past events, its website also informs about current calls for applications mostly prepared by national clubs. As member of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) it serves as the local link, supplying information about the membership of Slovene photographers in this international association and informs about possibilities to exhibit on events prepared by the FIAP.

See also

External links

Fotografska zveza Slovenije (FZS) +
Fotografska zveza Slovenije (FZS) +
SI-4208 Šenčur +
Beleharjeva 49a +
Originally established in 1946 as the Photo-Kino Union of Slovenia, the Photographic Federation of Slovenia currently unites almost 30 Slovene photographic clubs. +
Originally established in 1946 as the Photo-Kino Union of Slovenia, the Photographic Federation of Slovenia currently unites almost 30 Slovene photographic clubs. +
Šenčur +
SI-4208 +
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