INVIDA Internet Video Agency


Invida, internet video agencija, d.o.o.
Beleharjeva cesta 2, SI-4208 Šenčur
Phone386 (0) 041 386832

INVIDA Internet Video Agency was founded in 2004, since which time it has grown to become one of the largest animation and production studios in Slovenia. It provides a wide variety of services for commercial and public-sector clients from its studio in Šenčur, about 30 km north of Ljubljana, and can see projects through from script and storyboard to filming and post-production. While the bulk of its work is commissioned by advertisers and corporate clients, INVIDA has also been involved in the production and co-production of several noteworthy films and animation series.

Commercial work

INVIDA is able to draw upon a wide in-house and external skillset to produce work in almost areas of visual media, but with a focus on 2D and 3D animation, motion graphics, animated inserts and video production. With over 3,000 projects completed by the end of 2020, only a very select list of more recent highlights is possible. These would include corporate videos for long-standing client Iskratel, 2D animations for children that have tended to focus on environmental issues (Triglav National Park, the Borzen and Elektro Maribor electricity companies, several district utility companies), TV ad campaigns for some of Slovenia's biggest comms companies, including Telemach and Si.mobil, and frequent inserts for RTV Slovenia, perhaps most notably for Tarča, the celebrated current affairs programme.

Tarča by Invida on Vimeo

Animated series

INVIDA had produced three animated series by the end of 2020: Maček Muri (Muri the Cat, 2013–), based on the famous children's stories of Kajetan Kovič; Tako zraste (How It Grows, 2018–), which portrays the life-cycle of different animals in rhyme; and Potovanje na ladji Beagle (The Voyage of The Beagle, 2013–2017), which dramatises Charles Darwin's trips to South America. Both Maček Muri and Tako zraste were co-produced by RTV Slovenia, with all three series being financed by the Slovenian Film Centre. Work began in 2020 on expanding the award-winning animated short Bučmana (Dumbheads), by occasional INVIDA collaborator Matic Perčič, into a series.

Several stand-alone animations in which INVIDA has been involved, either as producer or co-producer, are also worthy of mention. They include co-production of Stripburger v gibanju (Stripburger in Motion, 2010), which brought to life some of the work of the legendary Slovenian comic in celebration of its 18th birthday, and of Slovenia's first animated Western (Wanted, 2013), which won the Vesna Award for Best Animated Film at the 2013 Festival of Slovenian Film. Cipercoper (Zippity Zappity, 2014), which INVIDA produced, was similarly awarded at the 2015 edition of the festival.


Although INVIDA's focus has remained on animation, it has also been active as a producer of documentary and feature films, most notably Izlet (A Trip, feature, co-producer, 2011), which won five Vesna Awards in 2011, and the documentary Teknika ljudstvu (Technology to the People, documentary, producer, 2015), an entertaining look at the early days of 8-bit computing in Slovenia.

See also

External links

How It Grows

Invida, internet video agencija, d.o.o. +
Invida, internet video agencija, d.o.o. +
SI-4208 Šenčur +
Beleharjeva cesta 2 +
INVIDA Internet Video Agency was founded in 2004, since which time it has grown to become one of the largest animation and production studios in Slovenia. +
INVIDA Internet Video Agency was founded in 2004, since which time it has grown to become one of the largest animation and production studios in Slovenia. +
+386 / 041 386832 +
Šenčur +
SI-4208 +
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