Theatre WORKS



Based in the town of Ravne na Koroškem, which lies around 120 km north-east of Ljubljana and 70 km west of Maribor, Theatre WORKS, or Gledališče DELA, is a performing arts company founded by Katja Vravnik and Tea Kovše in 2012. Its work, which it describes as the production of "performative theatre plays, happenings and situations", is based largely on methods developed by the founders themselves.

DELA is part of Zadruga ZRaven, a theatre and performing arts cooperative also based in Ravne, the other members of which are able to offer expertise in a wide range of disciplines, from photography, history and sociology, to audio production, composition and costume design.


The artistic output of Theatre WORKS builds on the areas of interest of its founders (Vravnik is a choreographer and visual artist, Kovše a puppeteer and playwright) to expand the scope of contemporary dance by incorporating puppet performance, theatre, music and movement, and researching the intersections between them. The venues they use for their performances, which range from the stage (Ravne Cultural Centre, for example) to the street, the park and the abandoned hall, reflect another of their concerns, which is to explore how an audience creates itself and contributes to what they see. By the end of 2020, the theatre had conceived and staged over 23 self-authored works.

Education and outreach

The theatre also conducts the workshop-based Gledališče ŠOLA (Theatre EDUCATES) programme, which offers non-formal education in aspects of theatre, puppetry and dance. Two strands of the programme, Puppet Contact Dance and Shadow Dance, combine puppetry and body movement, and are based on methods conceived and developed by Vravnik and Kovše. Both strands are supported financially by the Ministry of Culture. Two further strands of the programme, again developed by the founders themselves, are aimed specifically at children. The theatre works closely with schools around Slovenia, with its education programmes also forming part of the Golden Stick (Zlata Paličica) online platform operated by the Slovenian Theatre Institute and designed to bring young audiences into contact with high-quality theatre content.


See also

External links

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Gledališče DELA +
Gledališče DELA +
SI-2390 Ravne na Koroškem +
Gledališka pot 1 +
Based in the town of Ravne na Koroškem, Based in the town of Ravne na Koroškem, which lies around 120 km north-east of Ljubljana and 70 km west of Maribor, Theatre WORKS, or Gledališče DELA, is a performing arts company founded by Katja Vravnik and Tea Kovše in 2012.a Kovše]] in 2012. +
Based in the town of Ravne na Koroškem, which lies around 120 km north-east of Ljubljana and 70 km west of Maribor, Theatre WORKS, or Gledališče DELA, is a performing arts company founded by Katja Vravnik and Tea Kovše in 2012. +
Ravne na Koroškem +
SI-2390 +
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