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281 search results for Groups

Originally established as a cultural society (KD Ropot) in 2013 before becoming a limited company in 2019, the Ropot Group is a team of young design creatives led by Tina Semolič and Rok Avsec.
20 February 2025 20:30:47
The Gallina women's vocal quartet was founded in 2010 in Ljubljana.
6 April 2018 18:23:08
Group Early Music Festival, the Festival Ljubljana, the Lent Festival and the Primorska Summer Festival
31 May 2010 09:50:08
Launched in 2006 by the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia to complement its annual Linhart Encounter, the Visions Festival of Young Theatre Groups is a showcase of the best Slovene youth theatre productions of the season.
5 April 2023 02:57:43
VAL Piran Folkloric Dance Group 2004 Saltworkers Festival.JPG
Established in 1961, the VAL Piran Folkloric Dance Group is one of Slovenia's leading folkloric dance troupes which has received many prizes and commendations from the Municipality of Piran-Pirano for its work.
24 November 2020 16:29:57
Creative group Urbas&Urbas consists of photographer Jana Urbas and stylist Nika Urbas, working together in the field of fashion.
24 November 2020 15:53:59
Established in 1992 as a voluntary, independent, and non-profit union, the Union of Slovene Folklore Groups brings together 72 registered folklore groups and associations, and 6 festivals (among them the CIOFF festival Folkart International Folklore Festival, Maribor and the Mediterranean International Folklore Festival (MIFF)) to cooperate with folklore festival organisers both in Slovenia and abroad in the presentation of Slovene folkloric customs, music, and dance.
25 March 2025 11:45:19
Established in 1949, Tine Rožanc Folkloric Dance Group comprises more than 120 dancers (aged from 4 to 75 years), two orchestras (one being a tamboura string orchestra that plays primarily the music of the Bela Krajina region and the neighbouring Croatian regions of Dalmatia and Slavonia), a children's dance group and a veterans' group.
24 November 2020 16:29:51
Since its inception in the early 1990s, the Nora Production Group has created three feature films - Herzog (1995) directed by Mitja Milavec, and Jebiga (2000) and On the Sunny Side (2003), directed by Miha Hočevar - as well as producing more than 300 television ads in collaboration with eminent film directors, Slovene as well foreign, and a dozen unforgettable photos for print ads.
19 February 2021 00:03:43
Mangart Production Group was born in 1995 when the youth TV Slovenia programme Easily Around brought together Tomaž Grubar, Vojko Anzeljc and Sašo Kolarič.
14 April 2020 19:49:11
The biggest and one of the oldest Slovene folklore groups, France Marolt Student Folk Dance Group was established in 1948 in Ljubljana by France Marolt, an ethnomusicologist at the Institute of Ethnomusicology.
24 November 2020 16:28:52
Emona Folklore Group was established in 1967 by Bruno Ravnikar.
24 November 2020 16:28:29
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