AS Gallery


In 2013, the Adriatic Slovenica insurance company opened the AS Gallery, located in the Ljubljana premises of the KD Group corporation, its then-owner. In 2019, KD Group became part of Generali Group and the gallery was renamed as Generali Gallery.

The gallery's programme is rooted in the company's art collection and currently focuses on Slovenian artists with a particular interest in the younger generation, although a significant portion of the collection consists of artworks by international artists. For the most part, the collection consists of paintings, with a small number of works by prominent Slovenian sculptors and photographers as well.

The collection as well as exhibitions are browsable online at the gallery's website and include solo and group exhibitions of drawings, graphics, sculpture, painting and photography.

See also

External links

... more about "AS Gallery"
Galerija Generali +
Galerija Generali +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Dunajska 63 +
In 2013, the Adriatic Slovenica insurance company opened the AS Gallery, located in the Ljubljana premises of the KD Group corporation, its then-owner. +
In 2013, the Adriatic Slovenica insurance company opened the AS Gallery, located in the Ljubljana premises of the KD Group corporation, its then-owner. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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