Union of Slovene Folklore Groups

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Zveza ljudskih tradicijskih skupin Slovenije
Glavni trg 7, SI-4000 Kranj
Phone386 (0) 31 371 502

Established in 1992 as a voluntary, independent, and non-profit union, the Union of Slovene Folklore Groups brings together 72 registered folklore groups and associations, and 6 festivals (among them the CIOFF festival Folkart International Folklore Festival, Maribor and the Mediterranean International Folklore Festival (MIFF)) to cooperate with folklore festival organisers both in Slovenia and abroad in the presentation of Slovene folkloric customs, music, and dance. Representing the International Council for Organisations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Art (CIOFF), Slovenia, the Slovene branch of CIOFF, the Union of Slovene Folklore Groups offers assistance to members regarding event organisation and participation in festivals, circulates information about international events, connects different cultural organisations, and organises meetings and symposia at home and abroad in order to advance its professional work.

In view of the decreased interest of the youth generation in folklore traditions and aware of these traditions significance for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage, in the beginning of 2011 the Union formed the Youth Working Group with the aim to contribute to the expansion of folklore activities through the group's experiences, ideas, and innovations.

The union maintains a Slovenian language website which offers an electronic Bulletin four times a year as well as the section "Groups on Tour", intended for reports from different (inter)national folklore festivals.

See also

Zveza ljudskih tradicijskih skupin Slovenije +
Zveza ljudskih tradicijskih skupin Slovenije +
SI-4000 Kranj +
Glavni trg 7 +
Established in 1992 as a voluntary, indepeEstablished in 1992 as a voluntary, independent, and non-profit union, the Union of Slovene Folklore Groups brings together 72 registered folklore groups and associations, and 6 festivals (among them the CIOFF festival Folkart International Folklore Festival, Maribor and the Mediterranean International Folklore Festival (MIFF)) to cooperate with folklore festival organisers both in Slovenia and abroad in the presentation of Slovene folkloric customs, music, and dance.ovene folkloric customs, music, and dance. +
Established in 1992 as a voluntary, indepeEstablished in 1992 as a voluntary, independent, and non-profit union, the Union of Slovene Folklore Groups brings together 72 registered folklore groups and associations, and 6 festivals (among them the CIOFF festival Folkart International Folklore Festival, Maribor and the Mediterranean International Folklore Festival (MIFF)) to cooperate with folklore festival organisers both in Slovenia and abroad in the presentation of Slovene folkloric customs, music, and dance.ovene folkloric customs, music, and dance. +
+386 / 31 371 502 +
Kranj +
SI-4000 +
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