STA Misli website



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Misli Slovenska tiskovna Agencija (STA)
Tivolska 50, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 241 0100

In 2010 the Slovene Press Agency launched the new website called Misli slovensko - Think Slovenian, which was later renamed into Misli (in Slovenian Think or Thoughts).

The website features selected contents on arts and culture: interviews, cultural news from Slovenia and abroad, cultural policy issues, language corner, book reviews, statistics, etc). STA Misli portal offers daily fresh news from the world of culture that is of interest to the general public. Each month a list of the most read books is published, and weekly the selected book novelties are presented. STA Misli also provides links to reference websites and a bulletin of selected daily events, including press conferences. The interview and selected news are also published in English.

Special blocks of news were opened to covered complex and long-term international cultural projects like World Book Capital Ljubljana 2010 and Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012. The website has been co-funded by the Ministry of Culture.

See also

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Misli Slovenska tiskovna Agencija (STA) +
Misli Slovenska tiskovna Agencija (STA) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Tivolska 50 +
In 2010 the Slovene Press Agency launched the new website called Misli slovensko - Think Slovenian, which was later renamed into Misli (in Slovenian Think or Thoughts). +
In 2010 the Slovene Press Agency launched the new website called Misli slovensko - Think Slovenian, which was later renamed into Misli (in Slovenian Think or Thoughts). +
+386 / 241 0100 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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