Papelito Puppet Theatre



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Lutkovno gledališče Papelito
Hrvatini 204, 6280-Ankaran

Papelito Puppet Theatre established in 2005 is the vehicle for the work of Brane Solce who had been engaged since 1982 in the Papilu Theatre Group.

The starting point of the theatre's performances, which are based on sound and music and presented mostly without text, is paper, material that offers lots of possibilities of transformation. The performances use the rich visual language of metaphors and symbols facilitated by idiosyncratic two-dimensional puppets and are full of wit and humour.

Performances and awards

Papelito Puppet Theatre has thus far created over 30 performances. Its adaptations of Slovene children's poems (An ban, Najdihojca), and small-scale productions like Grumbling [Brundarija], Collage [Kolaž], Paper Horror Show, Rubbishmouse [Miška smetiška] have been successful both at home and abroad, in places as far afield as Israel, Japan, and the USA.

In 2000, Solce was also active in the field of film animation. He was awarded best independent author award for his cartoon Rubbishmouse, produced by Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia), at the Izolanima - Slovene Animation Festival.

Solce received a special jury award for puppetry technique at the 2009 Slovene Puppetry Biennial.

Educational programme

Papelito Puppet Theatre also organises workshops for children.

See also

External links

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Lutkovno gledališče Papelito +
Lutkovno gledališče Papelito +
6280-Ankaran +
Hrvatini 204 +
Papelito Puppet Theatre established in 2005 is the vehicle for the work of Brane Solce who had been engaged since 1982 in the Papilu Theatre Group. +
Papelito Puppet Theatre established in 2005 is the vehicle for the work of Brane Solce who had been engaged since 1982 in the Papilu Theatre Group. +