Depot:Izolanima - Slovene Animation Festival



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Izolanima - Festival slovenske animacije
Phone386 (0) 5 641 8048, 386 (0) 5 641 5571
see more

Izolanima - Slovene Animation Festival was a biennial festival event that took place in the coastal town of Izola between 2000 and 2006. It had an open programme policy so nearly anybody who was working with animation could present its work: from children and amateurs to professional production companies. Izolanima was a showcase of everything that was relevant in the field of animation in Slovenia. Animated works presented in the festival programme were evaluated by an international jury. Special credits were also given for screenwriting, sound and graphic design. Film screenings were usually accompanied by drawing exhibitions, workshops and meetings among professionals (interregional cooperation).

Since Izola has traditionally been a Slovene animation town – the first animation film was produced here in 1968 and since the 1970s the majority of Slovene animation production has been developed in Izola – there are good prospects that the idea to revive Izolanima will succeed. For now, animation lovers must wait for the annual edition of Animateka International Animated Film Festival in Ljubljana.

See also

External links

Izolanima - Festival slovenske animacije +
biennially +
Izolanima - Festival slovenske animacije +
SI-6310 Izola-Isola +
Kraška 1 +
Izolanima - Slovene Animation Festival was a biennial festival event that took place in the coastal town of Izola between 2000 and 2006. +
Izolanima - Slovene Animation Festival was a biennial festival event that took place in the coastal town of Izola between 2000 and 2006. +
+386 / 5 641 8048, 386 / 5 641 5571 +
Izola-Isola +
SI-6310 +
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