Etnika Institute


Etnika, zavod za umetnost in Medkulturno sodelovanje Maribor
Dravska ulica 8, SI-2000 Maribor

The Etnika Institute is a non-profit organisation founded in Maribor in 2010. It is active in two main areas: the organisation and promotion of musical events in and around Maribor, and youth initiatives in the field of problem gambling.


The institute organises the annual Etnika International World Music Festival in Maribor, which started in 2005 and usually takes place in October, November or December. While it has gradually added jazz, rock, hip hop and reggae to the programme, the festival remains rooted in world music, making it one of the country's premier global music events alongside the Druga Godba and Okarina festivals.

Etnika also organises Blue Planet, a year-round cycle of jazz concerts. It is financed by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Maribor, and has provided a welcome platform for Slovenian jazz musicians in particular since it began in 2014.

Problem gambling

The other strand of Etnika's work involves research, awareness-raising, advocacy and outreach in the field of problem gambling among young people. To this end, it runs the Ne zakockaj svoje prihodnosti (Don't Gamble Your Future Away) project, supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Health and the Municipality of Maribor, and the MladiHazarder website.

See also

External links

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Etnika, zavod za umetnost in Medkulturno sodelovanje Maribor +
Etnika, zavod za umetnost in Medkulturno sodelovanje Maribor +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Dravska ulica 8 +
The Etnika Institute is a non-profit organisation founded in Maribor in 2010. +
The Etnika Institute is a non-profit organisation founded in Maribor in 2010. +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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