Primož Premzl Art Cabinet


Umetniški kabinet Primož Premzl - Galerija Premzl
Slovenska ulica 8, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 41 512 878
Past events

The Primož Premzl Art Cabinet was established in 1992 with a view to publishing and organising gallery activities, alongside displaying a private local collection. The retail gallery hosts around four exhibitions a year and it offers buyers a wide selection of works by contemporary and older Slovenian and foreign artists, as well as old cartographic art and vedute from the Slovenian region from the 16th to 19th century.

Publishing Programme

The publishing programme is focused on books and other visual material from the fields of art history and history. Among the most important published work is the complete facsimile of the 1376 Ptuj Statute. The founder of the Art Cabinet, Primož Premzl, received the Glazer Credential by the Municipality of Maribor for outstanding achievement in the area of culture. His private local collection was set up in 1983 and includes more than 10,000 items, among them vedute, plans, sketches, photographs and postcards from the Maribor region ranging back to the 17th century and up to the middle of the 20th century.

The most frequently represented authors are Zmago Jeraj, Joze Subic, IRWIN Group, Zoran Music,Joze Tisnikar, Ivan Kos.

In November 2015, the exhibition Herman Potočnik Noordung: Life in Word and Picture was organised in cooperation with the Primož Premzl Art Cabinet and Celje Central Library, at Central Library in Pula, Croatia.

See also

External links

Umetniški kabinet Primož Premzl - Galerija Premzl +
Umetniški kabinet Primož Premzl - Galerija Premzl +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Slovenska ulica 8 +
The Primož Premzl Art Cabinet was established in 1992 with a view to publishing and organising gallery activities, alongside displaying a private local collection. +
The Primož Premzl Art Cabinet was established in 1992 with a view to publishing and organising gallery activities, alongside displaying a private local collection. +
Umetniški kabinet Primož Premzl - Galerija Premzl ponuja širok izbor del sodobnih in starejših slovenskih in tujih umetnikov, pa tudi staro kartografsko umetnost in vedute iz slovenske regije od 16. do 19. stoletja. +
+386 / 41 512 878 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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