Ultramono Institute

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Ultramono - Zavod za produkcijo in raziskovanje medijske umetnosti
Tavčarjeva 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 40 375 100

Founded in 2006 by artist Tanja Vujinović and Jan Kušej (producer/researcher), the Ultramono Institute is a non-profit contemporary art production and research institute which deals with various intermedia projects related to sound and visual art, as well as art in public spaces and theory. Up to 2011 A Vault of Discrete Events in Noisy Domains was named EXSTAT (EX denoting the point of origin and STAT(ic) as the field of static noise).


Graduating at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade (1999), collecting experiences and knowledge as a guest student at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, and holding a Ph.D in Philosophy and Theory of Visual Culture from the Faculty of Humanities Koper, University of Primorska, Tanja Vujinović, as the most visible member of the Ultramono Institute, works as a media artist and researcher in the field of arts and technology. She uses custom electronics, textiles, and various software applications to create playful and bizarre experiences through dynamic works employing toy-like objects, touch, sound, and visuals. From 2001 till 2006 Vujinović collaborated with Zvonka T Simčič within Automata Institute, a production platform and also an artistic duo. Both Ultramono and CrossConversationCut institutes share this legacy.

International visibility

Audio-visual works and installations have been exhibited at galleries and museums, such as the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Strasbourg, the Kunst Palast Museum in Düesseldorf, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver, the Medienturm International Forum in Graz, the Cornerhouse Gallery in Manchester, the Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, and KIBLA Multimedia Centre in Maribor.

Productions have been presented at festivals, such as ISEA2009, the 15th International Symposium on Electronic Art, Ars Electronica Linz, the Zeppelin Sound Art Festival in Barcelona, FILE – Electronic Language International Festival at Sao Paulo, FILE RIO in Rio de Janeiro, and others. Tanja Vujinović's Internet-based works were presented as part of the Theory Multimedia's NetNoise and the Web Biennial Istanbul to name just two.

Information about projects are published by Ultramono in the form of booklets, books, catalogues or CDs/DVDs. The full-colour book Ultramono was published in 2011 and is available by request.

External links

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Ultramono - Zavod za produkcijo in raziskovanje medijske umetnosti +
Ultramono - Zavod za produkcijo in raziskovanje medijske umetnosti +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Tavčarjeva 5 +
Founded in 2006 by artist Tanja Vujinović Founded in 2006 by artist Tanja Vujinović and Jan Kušej (producer/researcher), the Ultramono Institute is a non-profit contemporary art production and research institute which deals with various intermedia projects related to sound and visual art, as well as art in public spaces and theory.s well as art in public spaces and theory. +
Founded in 2006 by artist Tanja Vujinović Founded in 2006 by artist Tanja Vujinović and Jan Kušej (producer/researcher), the Ultramono Institute is a non-profit contemporary art production and research institute which deals with various intermedia projects related to sound and visual art, as well as art in public spaces and theory.s well as art in public spaces and theory. +
Ultramono je produkcijski in raziskovalni inštitut, ki se ukvarja se z različnimi intermedijskimi projekti, povezanimi z zvočno in vizualno umetnostjo. Vodita ga umetnika Tanja Vujinović in Jan Kušej. +
+386 / 40 375 100 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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