KIBLA Multimedia Centre
9 Sep 2019
30 Sep 2019
The exhibition And Now for Something Completely Different 10, featuring a kinetic installation Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? by Nika Oblak and Primož Novak, produced by Aksioma Institute and KIBLA Multimedia Centre, in the frame of the Crushing Hammers Exhibitions, at the Cairo Video Festival
7 Sep 2017
8 Oct 2017
MIG 21, en exhibition featuring over 50 works by 19 artists, curated by Nina Jeza and Peter Tomaž Dobrila (KIBLA Multimedia Centre),
24 Feb 2017
A presentation of the Mycelium Network Society with Saša Spačal and Simon Gmajner and Mycophone, an installation by Anil Podgornik, Saša Spačal and Mirjan Švagelj, produced by the KIBLA Multimedia Centre and organised by Kapelica Gallery, at the Transmediale
8 Feb 2013
15 Feb 2013
Slovene artists at a new media art exhibition as a part of the project New Media Cross-Border (KIBLA Multimedia Centre and ONEJ)
29 Jun 2012
EU-PA conference Unlocking, How Arts and Design Transform Urban Space, a lecture by Dejan Pestotnik Creating touchpoints: Art and Design Interventions in Practice, part of the EU funded project EuroPA - European Public Art led by KIBLA Multimedia Centre
16 Mar 2012
27 May 2012
Robovox project byMartin Bricelj Baraga, Slavko Glamočanin (MoTA Museum of Transitory Art) and Chris Sugrue (Spain-Slovenia, Ljudmila - Ljubljana Digital Media Lab) project, part of the Robots & Avatars EU funded project led by by KIBLA Multimedia Centre,
4 Jun 2011
Performance Symposium on the Past, Present and Future of the Fluxus-Movement, Is Fluxus Dead? Intermedia Rules! From Networked Performance Events to VanGoghTV, Coded Cultures and Art-on-Strike, a lecture by Marko Košnik (Egon March Institute) Globalism Rules! Immaterial Art Practises behind the Iron Curtain, a part of the EU funded project X-OP- eXchange of art operators and producers led by KIBLA Multimedia Centre
16 Apr 2011
Reset your dataset 3, moderated by Stephen Kovacz, a lecture by Peter Tomaž Dobrila Pure Energy – Culture Is Generator of Evolution, part of the EU funded project X-OP- eXchange of art operators and producers, led by KIBLA Multimedia Centre, at the Festival Enter
9 Nov 2010
13 Nov 2010
X-OP - eXchange of art operators and producers, including Egon March Institute project Operabil Helsinki - (Electropera Act 5), in the scope of EU funded project led by KIBLA Multimedia Centre
13 May 2010
15 May 2010
X-OP meeting and events, EU funded project X-OP - eXchange of art operators and producers led by KIBLA Multimedia Centre, collaborative performance Operabil Hexpo - (Electropera Act 4) by Marko Košnik, Egon March Institute at the Avamaa International Symposium of Art and Ideas
30 Apr 2010
7 May 2010
X-OP: Festival Time and Technique produced by KIBLA Multimedia Centre, ELECTROPERA performance lecture with live topographic imagery by Marko Košnik, Egon March Institute, curatorial dinner by Petra Kapš, a lecture Dictionary of Subsidized Art - Here and Now by Aleksandra Kostić, DVD screenings by Peter Tomaž Dobrila, an exhibition and lecture Drawing by artists Polona Maher and Petra Varl, EU funded project X-OP- eXchange of art operators and producers
25 Mar 2010
27 Mar 2010
X-OP, Free Fall, exhibition and symposium produced by KIBLA Multimedia Centre, Dejan Pestotnik and Maja Vuksanović participating, organized by Apartment Project from Istanbul, accompanied by artistic events. EU funded project X-OP- eXchange of art operators and producers
Project summary - CARAVAN NEXT – Feed the Future: Art moving cities, 2015
Project summary - Ephemeral Heritage of the European Carnival Rituals, 2014
Project summary - Soft Control, 2012
Project summary - Materiality, 2012
Project summary - Caravan. Artists on the Road, 2010
Project summary - EuroPA - European Public Art Project, 2010
Project summary - Robots and Avatars – Collaborative and Intergenerational Futures, 2010
Project summary - X-OP - Exchange of Art Operators and Producers, 2008
Project summary - Post Me_New ID - The Post Human Condition of Modern Europeans, 2007
Project summary - Hallerstein - Science meets art, 2007
Project summary - gRig – Guild for Reality Integrators and Generators, 2006
Project summary - Travel in Europe, 2006
Project summary - TRG – Transient Reality Generators, 2004
Project summary - e-AGORA - Virtual Platform for Performing Arts, 2004
Project summary - txOom, 2000
Project summary - Virtual Centre Media Net, 2000
Project summary - Social Noises (Soziale Geräusche), 2000
Project summary Show more
All about Lesotho new media project by Vlado G. Repnik, Robert Klančnik, Lana K. Gotvan and Stefan Doepner in the KiBela Art Space, Maribor 2006
Part of the space of the KIBLA Multimedia Centre is occupied by KiBela Art Space, space for art where hundreds of exhibitions, performances, presentations and other artistic events have taken place since 1999, in both traditional, as well as advanced technological set-ups.
Since 2012, when Maribor was the European Capital of Culture together with partner cities, the program of visual and intermedia arts has been extended to the premises of KIBLA PORTAL, which now serves as a multi-purpose venue.
Za:misel Bookshop is online bookstore, with its foundation Maribor acquired a professional, specialized, student sociological and humanistic bookstore, which, concentrated in one place and under a professional supervision, offers the complete Slovene sociological and humanistic literary production.
ARTKIT is part of the idea of revitalizing the old city center, where artists, designers and artisans can put their creativity to use by developing traditional handicraft skills, enhanced by means of information-communication technologies.
KIBLA Multimedia Centre extensive programme includes exhibitions, performances, concerts, festivals, theatre, lectures, symposia, fairs, and workshops. Through its KiBela Art Space it collaborates with Slovene artists and institutions and also with contemporary artists and arts organisations in Graz, London, Zagreb, Belgrade, and the USA, presenting new approaches through new media as well as contemporary visual arts.
KIBLA Multimedia Centre festivals include the KIBLIX Linux IT Festival, and the acclaimed Skrite note (Hidden Music Score) Festival with the programme of avant-garde music. Since 2007 it has been organising also the (DA)(NE)S Festival of Microtonal Music, which is now being set as a concert series.
It also cooperates with numerous other organisations in Maribor, Ljubljana (Ljubljana Jazz Festival, Druga Godba Festival) and abroad. Kibla was also the initiator of the Izzven Jazz Festival, which was taken over by Narodni dom Maribor in 2011.
KIBLA is a founding member of the M3C Multimedia Centres Network of Slovenia.
International cooperation
KIBLA Multimedia Centre has significant experience working in international cooperation projects. The list of projects co-funded by the European Commission and its funding bodies in which the organisation has participated is perhaps among the largest for a Slovene institution.
With funding from the Culture 2000 programme in the years 2002–2003 KIBLA co-organised the annual project tx0om – Textures in bloom, which investigated interactive, intelligent and responsive environments at the crossroads of digital physics, phenomenology and biomimetics where the body becomes intermediary. It also co - organizes the multiannual project Virtual Centre Media Net.
KIBLA participated in the annual project e-Agora, which developed a virtual multimedia platform for innovative production and presentation of performing arts using the latest communication technologies.
Project activities of KIBLA have included the conference co-organised ASEUM, the 1st International New Media Art Festival in the Philippines. One of KIBLA's significant networking European projects was X-OP - eXchange of art operators and producers, a multiannual (2008–2011) project intended to nurture a network of artists, researchers, operators, producers, and art centres with the aim to establish a European platform for creation of art and exchange.
In 2008 KIBLA Multimedia Centre was awarded a silver European Seal of e-Excellence by the European Multimedia Forum. The seal recognises ICT and digital media companies with an excellent track record in developing and marketing innovative products and services.
See also
- KiBela Art Space
- KIBLA Portal
- Za:misel Bookshop
- Folio Magazine
- KIBLIX Linux IT Festival
- Love Festival
- (DA)(NE)S Festival of Microtonal Music
- M3C Multimedia Centres Network of Slovenia
- List of the M3C Multimedia Centres Network members
External links
- Visual arts
- Visual arts producers
- Visual arts publishers
- New media art
- New media art producers
- New media art venues
- New media art studios
- Music
- Literature
- Literature event organisers
- Literature venues
- Literature festival organisers
- Exhibition organisers
- Festival organisers
- Publishers
- Producers
- Venues
- Event organisers
- Multimedia centres
- Cafés
- M3C
- EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes)
- EU Culture funding recipient
- EU Creative Europe, Culture funding recipient
- Literature festival and event organisers
- Music festival and event organisers
- New media art festival and event organisers
- New media art funding, professional and support services
- New media art course and workshop organisers