Jožef Stefan Institute Gallery



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Galerija Inštituta Jožef Stefan
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone386 (1) 477 3900

The main lobby of the Jožef Stefan Institute, the largest public research institute in Slovenia, functions as a public gallery where each month a new exhibition is presented. Jožef Stefan Institute Gallery is booked one year in advance and displays mainly solo exhibitions of Slovene artists of different generations.


The programme is coordinated by the Jožef Stefan Institute but some exhibitions are curated by guest curators, such as Tatjana Pregl Kobe or Nadja Gnamuš, who in 2009 curated the exhibition Construction of the Real and the Virtual [Konstrukcija realnega in virtulnega] featuring artists such as Beti Bricelj, Jasmina Cibic, Uršula Berlot, Bogoslav Kalaš, and Postgravity Art.

The highlight of the annual programme is tuned with the "Jožef Stefan Days", the most prestigious event at the Jožef Stefan Institute.

Exhibition space

  • dimensions: Room 1: 150m² (11.5m x 13m x 3m H) incorporating 29 linear metres of wall space; Room 2: 85m² (11.5m x 7m x 2.8m H) incorporating 11 linear metres of wall space
  • installation system: Nielsen hanging system, free-standing exhibition screens (2.15m x 2.15m), sculpture pedestals
  • lighting: halogen and fluorescent lighting system throughout, natural light from windows
  • climate control: yes

See also

External links

Galerija Inštituta Jožef Stefan +
Galerija Inštituta Jožef Stefan +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Jamova 39 +
The main lobby of the Jožef Stefan Institute, the largest public research institute in Slovenia, functions as a public gallery where each month a new exhibition is presented. +
The main lobby of the Jožef Stefan Institute, the largest public research institute in Slovenia, functions as a public gallery where each month a new exhibition is presented. +
+386 .1. 477 3900 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +