Sanje ('Dreams') Publishing House



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Založba Sanje, založba in trgovina, d.o.o.
Alešovčeva 37, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 514 1628, 386 (0) 1 514 1629
Founded byRok Zavrtanik
Past events

Založba Sanje (Dreams Publishing House) is a private publishing house established by Rok Zavrtanik in 1997. Its aim is to support and foster creativity and to go beyond the various limitations of both popular and elitist culture, crossing the boundaries of set values, aesthetics, genres, politics, or geography.

Publishers of books, ebooks, audiobooks and music – in Slovenian, English and selected other languages. It is also international respresentative of many renown authors from Slovenia and some other countries.

Sanje Publishing House organises the Sanje ('Dreams') Festival at Ljubljana Park Zvezda every Summer and also runs its own bookshop. In 2010 and 2011, the Sanje Festival ventured to Medana and Šmartno, renamed as Dreams in Medana (Sanje v Medani). Organiser of national festival Book Night which takes place on April 23rd each year in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Monte Negro.

Print and audio releases

The company's list of published authors includes Slovene satirical writer, poet, chansonnier, and actor Frane Milčinski Ježek (The Ballad of the Slice of Bread, available also in English) as well as France Prešeren, J. W. Goethe, Orhan Pamuk, Fyodor Dostoyevski, Vanessa Redgrave, Vladimir Bartol with his extraordinary Alamut story, and Slovene actor Stane Sever. The section of international editions consists of print and audio books by Slovene and international authors, available in English, German, and Croatian. The recent releases also include works by Noam Chomsky, Tiziano Terzani, Sven Lindqvist, Barack Obama, and Stéphane Hessel.

Audio book authors include Fran Levstik, Frane Milčinski Ježek, France Prešeren (Sonnets of Unhappiness and other Poems), Janez Menart, and Srečko Kosovel.

Music releases

Music releases include works by Frane Milčinski Ježek, Duša Počkaj, Uršula Ramoveš, Tolovaj Mataj, Aleš Hadalin, Čompe, Pižama, Peter Kus, Brane Frlic, Patetico, and Clavimerata.


Some of the recieved awards are: Slovenian Publisher of the Year 2010, Best Young Translator of 2011: Stana Anželj for the translation of Die Stadt der Träumenden Bücher by Walter Moers, The Golden Pear: the sign of quality children's literature presented by Pionirska- the centre for children's literature and librarianship. 2006-2018: 27 books published by Sanje received Golden Pear award, Best Designed Book Of The Year (2018, overall winner): Nekaj zelo zelo lepega (Something very very beautiful - collected poetry for children) by Neža Maurer.

See also

External links

Založba Sanje, založba in trgovina, d.o.o. +
Založba Sanje, založba in trgovina, d.o.o. +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Alešovčeva 37 +
Založba Sanje (Dreams Publishing House) is a private publishing house established by Rok Zavrtanik in 1997. +
Založba Sanje (Dreams Publishing House) is a private publishing house established by Rok Zavrtanik in 1997. +
Založba Sanje je zasebna založba, ki podpira in spodbuja ustvarjalnost ter v svojem delu poizkuša presegati meje različnih estetik, žanrov, politik ali geografij. +
+386 / 1 514 1628, 386 / 1 514 1629 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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