Hest Gallery, Maribor

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Galerija Hest, Maribor
Židovska 1, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 250 06 66

Hest Gallery was opened in 1989 in Maribor by Emil Šarkanj. The gallery of 250 square metres is the best-known commercial gallery in the city, presenting mostly figurative paintings and sculptures by the older and middle generations of Slovene artists. In 1993, Emil Šarkanj opened the Hest Gallery in Ljubljana. From the outset, the gallery has been a member of the Gallery Owners and Antiquities Experts Association of Slovenia.

Exhibition programme

The Hest Gallery in Maribor annually features up to four solo exhibitions, exhibitions can also include the works of two artists. The gallery has presented exhibitions by Jože Tisnikar, Petar Beus, Rajko Čuber, Jože Šubic, Nataša Ribič, Franc Vozelj and Jože Marinč, as well as drawings of Rihard Jakopič. Exhibitions are usually prepared in relation to the pool of artists whose works the gallery sells (see external links for specific names and archive of past exhibitions).

Represented artists

In both of its locations, the Hest Gallery offers a very bright palette of the work of more than 100 artists for sale, including some artworks of established deceased Slovene authors, such as drawings of Slovene impressionist Rihard Jakopič; drawings of Avgust Černigoj (the key figure of Constructivism and the Slovene historic avant-garde); gouaches, drawings, graphics and some oils of Zoran Mušič; oils on the canvas and aquarelles of Jože Tisnikar; oil paintings of France Kralj; drawings and graphics of Božidar Jakac; and many others.

The Hest Gallery also sells works of some established Slovene artists from the older generation such as France Slana, Jože Ciuha and Lojze Spacal; further works of middle generation artists such as Živko Marušič, Metka Krašovec, Dušan Kirbiš, Ivo Prančič, Nikolaj Beer, Rajko Čuber or Boris Zaplatil. It also sells works of the young middle generation such as Dušan Fišer, Marko Jakše, Aleksij Kobal, Sandi Červek, and many others.

The gallery sells works of some international artists such as Mersad Berber (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Vasilij Jordan (Croatia) or Matteo Massagrande (Italy).

Regardless of their generation or provenance, all the artists whose works are sold or presented at Hest Gallery are carefully considered and selected for their artistic influence in the Slovenian and wider art space.

See also

External links