National Gallery of Slovenia Library


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Knjižnica Narodne galerije
Puharjeva 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 5400

A primary task of the library of the National Gallery of Slovenia is to collect publications and photo materials on art heritage related to the Slovene ethnic territory and the Central European cultural area, covering the areas of art history, museology, conservation and restoration, and museum education. The library encompasses more than 37,000 catalogued volumes, of which around 600 are serial publications. A large portion of yearly additions is made up of exchanges with numerous museum institutions at home and abroad. As a service for the core activities of the National Gallery, the library is opened also for other professionals in the field and the interested public for two hours on working days. Material cannot be loaned out and taken home.


The library has a hemerotheque that contains press clippings related to the contents and activities of the National Gallery, older art and architecture heritage, and cultural policies that are in one way or another connected to museum/gallery activities and the preservation of art heritage.

Photo library

Another related department of the National Gallery is the Photo Library (Fototeka) that consists of a collection of 25,000 negatives, 28,600 transparencies, 14,870 photographs and slides, and 33,000 items digitally archived. Its material can be viewed by written request submitted to the management of the National Gallery. The borrowing of photo material of the works of art owned by the institution must comply with the internal General Conditions for Loan and Hire of Photographic Documents; a fee is charged in accordance with the internal price list of material copyrights.

See also

External links

Knjižnica Narodne galerije +
Knjižnica Narodne galerije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Puharjeva 9 +
A primary task of the libraryA primary task of the library of the National Gallery of Slovenia is to collect publications and photo materials on art heritage related to the Slovene ethnic territory and the Central European cultural area, covering the areas of art history, museology, conservation and restoration, and museum education.ion and restoration, and museum education. +
A primary task of the library of the NatioA primary task of the library of the National Gallery of Slovenia is to collect publications and photo materials on art heritage related to the Slovene ethnic territory and the Central European cultural area, covering the areas of art history, museology, conservation and restoration, and museum education.ion and restoration, and museum education. +
+386 / 1 241 5400 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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