Society of Allies for Soft Landing, Krško (DZMP)



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Društvo zaveznikov mehkega pristanka Krško (DZMP)
Cesta 4. julija 58, SI-8270 Krško

The Society of Allies for Soft Landing was established in 1995 by a group of young people who were disillusioned with the apathy surrounding many youth-orientated cultural programmes. Since that time it has developed an active contemporary arts programme at its club premises in cooperation with a network of youth cultural centres both in Slovenia and abroad comprising in excess of 150 concerts, theatre shows, exhibitions and performances. A significant part of programme features educational activities linked to film and humanitarian activities in support of different marginal groups. The DZMP cultural programme consists of concerts by various bands, varying from beginners to renowned musicians from Europe, America and Russia.


Since 1997 the Society's video production arm Luksuz Production has developed into an important "video classroom" and production centre for young video makers. It launched the Luksuz Cheap Film Festival in 2003. Recently DZMP organised a year long youth project Together on the Road with a group of Roma youngsters exploring and filming the Roma culture in Europe. The project was coproduced with partners from Slovenia, France, Serbia and Kosovo.


The Society of Allies for Soft Landing (DZMP)'s club venue incorporates a multipurpose auditorium/gallery/rehearsal space, a photographic dark room, a public Internet info point and publishing/video studios.

The Auditorium/Gallery features: multipurpose hall; main use: films, performances, exhibitions, lectures, seminars, rehearsals; seating: 100 removable seats; dimensions: 24m² (6m W x 4m D x 2.5m H), 10 linear metres of wall space; installation system: hammer and nail system; lighting and sound: details available on request; film equipment: video projector, video recorder, slide projector, screen; backstage: dressing rooms available; availability: available for hire

See also

External links


Društvo zaveznikov mehkega pristanka Krško (DZMP) +
45.956 +
Društvo zaveznikov mehkega pristanka Krško (DZMP) +
15.495 +
SI-8270 Krško +
Cesta 4. julija 58 +
The Society of Allies for Soft Landing was established in 1995 by a group of young people who were disillusioned with the apathy surrounding many youth-orientated cultural programmes. +
The Society of Allies for Soft Landing was established in 1995 by a group of young people who were disillusioned with the apathy surrounding many youth-orientated cultural programmes. +
Krško +
SI-8270 +
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