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In 2011 the GuestRoomMaribor, the first Artist-in-Residence platform in Maribor for international artists was opened at the Pekarna Cultural Centre, run by the Pekarna Magdalena Network. During the Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012 the GuestRoom hosted several young international artists with an aim of establishing Maribor as an incubator of new ideas. Today the the GuestRoomMaribor is a highly profiled programme for the so-called curated residencies, local communiy-based projects and hybrids between art and research being preferred.

The project is a coproduction of Pekarna Cultural Centre, Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Maribor, and Narodni dom Maribor in collaboration with Maribor cultural producers.

A public call

Open call is release in first quarter of the year. Conditions for application do varies from year to year, but mostly the following stays the same.

GuestRoomMaribor favours projects that:

• critically engage with the power relations and tactics that counter domination in the current neoliberal social context;

• question engagement of art, art’s role in society as well as relations between art and politics;

• engage with feminist and queer theory and art;

• form explicit relations with the specific social, cultural, historical and political context of the local community (Maribor), such as participatory, site-specific art projects, interventions in public spaces, and similar.

GuestRoomMaribor is offering:

• free accommodation (one of the two studio apartments 96 m2 and 76m2, located in the core of the old city center, each equipped with a kitchenette, a bathroom and a sleeping area) for the period of one month (or more, depending on the agreement);

• artist fee of 700 EUR;

• coverage of production costs up to 300 EUR (in the form of reimbursement of actual costs on presentation of original invoices);

• professional assistance, support for the artist and introduction to the local (art) scene by GRM team of curators and producers.

GuestRoomMaribor is expecting from the artist to:

• give a public presentation of the artist's practice and of the proposed project “MeetTheResident”;

• actively participate and contribute on a guided tour “Interest safari” based on the artist’s field of focus;

• present their project created during the residency in Maribor (such as exhibition, performance, screening or other).

Residents will be chosen upon the following criteria:

• originality of the concept;

• feasibility of the project;

• participatory, experimental (in the context of structure and/or presentation of a project (e. c. non-gallery spaces) approaches are preferred;

• elements of interest or collaboration with the local art scene and community.

More informations and application form can be reached on GuestRoomMaribor web page.

See also

External links

... more about "GuestRoomMaribor"
SobaZaGoste Maribor +
46.56 +
SobaZaGoste Maribor +
15.649 +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Vetrinjska ulica 30 +
In 2011 the GuestRoomMaribor, the first Artist-in-Residence platform in Maribor for international artists was opened at the Pekarna Cultural Centre, run by the Pekarna Magdalena Network. +
In 2011 the GuestRoomMaribor, the first Artist-in-Residence platform in Maribor for international artists was opened at the Pekarna Cultural Centre, run by the Pekarna Magdalena Network. +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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