Jurij Slatkonja Music Conservatory

From Culture.si

Konservatorij za glasbo Jurij Slatkonja
Smrečnikova ulica 60, SI-8000 Novo mesto
Phone386 (0) 7 384 4426

The Jurij Slatkonja Music Conservatory, situated in Slovenia's Dolenjska region, is named after the influential 15th-century Slovene composer, conductor and bishop of Vienna, Jurij Slatkonja, who is well-known in the music world for the founding of the famous Viennese Boys Choir, which since its foundation in 1498 is still active today. The Music Conservatory, established in 2007 within the framework of the Novo Mesto diocese, offers its students a primary and secondary music school education as well as preschool music workshops.

Music education

The Jurij Slatkonja Music Conservatory offers specialised music education in violin, piano, organ, flute, singing, harp, music theory and conducting, among others. Some of the conservatory's courses focus on liturgical music education with classes in Gregorian Chanting. Students of the conservatory also take part in the mixed choir group.

Vocal Academy Jurij Slatkonja

The Jurij Slatkonja Vocal Academy is an association of vocalists created in October 2014 out of the musical activities within the Friderik I. Baraga Institute. It is composed of mostly formally educated vocalists from the Dolenjska region.

The Vocal Academy had its public debut with a series of Christmas concerts in January 2015. In the second concert cycle, they symbolically commemorated the end of World War II in remembrance to all suffering Slovenes during the war with Psalm 130 De profundis, composed by Aleš Makovc, and Requiem by the famous English composer John Rutter.


In 2019, the conservatory began a new project called the Novo Mesto Sacral concert series (Novomeški sakralni abonma) which will offer eight sacral music concerts by internationally-renowned artists.

See also

External links

Konservatorij za glasbo Jurij Slatkonja +
Konservatorij za glasbo Jurij Slatkonja +
SI-8000 Novo mesto +
Smrečnikova ulica 60 +
The Jurij Slatkonja Music ConservatoryThe Jurij Slatkonja Music Conservatory, situated in Slovenia's Dolenjska region, is named after the influential 15th-century Slovene composer, conductor and bishop of Vienna, Jurij Slatkonja, who is well-known in the music world for the founding of the famous Viennese Boys Choir, which since its foundation in 1498 is still active today. foundation in 1498 is still active today. +
The Jurij Slatkonja Music Conservatory, siThe Jurij Slatkonja Music Conservatory, situated in Slovenia's Dolenjska region, is named after the influential 15th-century Slovene composer, conductor and bishop of Vienna, Jurij Slatkonja, who is well-known in the music world for the founding of the famous Viennese Boys Choir, which since its foundation in 1498 is still active today. foundation in 1498 is still active today. +
+386 / 7 384 4426 +
Novo mesto +
SI-8000 +
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