- Slovene theatre portal


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Rabelčja vas 15c, SI-2250 Ptuj

Launched in 2007, - Slovene theatre portal is a project of Novi ZATO. Institute which provides free-of-charge and daily updated information on contemporary Slovene theatre and access to the digitalised artefacts of Slovene theatre heritage, in collaboration with the Slovenian Theatre Institute. This Slovenian language web portal aims to cover all contemporary performing arts genres, both at the level of documentation and archiving and at the level of provision of topical information (events, reviews, research). Since January 2010, the portal is supported by the Ministry of Culture as the central Slovene performing arts information resource on Internet.

The portal takes its name from the Slovenian for "you saw" or "did you see", as in "did you see that play?" which can also be read as the abbreviation for Slovenia (SI) combined with an abbreviation (of sorts) for the Slovenian word for "theatre", gledališče.


The portal is divided into four sections:

  • Info točka ("Info Point") brings information about topical events and activities in the area of performing arts as well as about relevant tenders and calls from the area. It also includes contributions by different Slovene theoreticians and journalists on various topics, from reviews of performances and festivals to reflections on specific aspects of Slovene and international performing arts production. The site also includes information and reviews of book publications related to the performing arts field as well as invites the interested public to contribute to the existing Web contents.
  • Wiki is a web encyclopaedia of Slovene performing arts production. It includes contents and information about makers, theatres and venues, festivals, titles and contents of plays, etc. The still-growing database contains over 3400 entries and is being created by theatre makers, producers, researchers, as well as by the general public.
  • Repertoar ("Repertoire"), presents a database that covers the entire history of Slovene professional and experimental theatre from the year 1867. It includes digitalised information and contents from the Slovene Theatre Repertory and Slovene Theatre Yearbook, published by the National Theatre Museum of Slovenia.
  • Digitalne zbirke ("Digital Collections") feature topical digitalised documentation from various institutional archives including the Slovenian Theatre Institute. The first collection is dedicated to the performed plays in Slovenian by playwright Rudi Šeligo (1935–2004).

See also

External link - portal slovenske uprizoritvene dejavnosti + - portal slovenske uprizoritvene dejavnosti +
SI-2250 Ptuj +
Rabelčja vas 15c +
Launched in 2007, - Slovene theatre portalLaunched in 2007, - Slovene theatre portal is a project of Novi ZATO. Institute which provides free-of-charge and daily updated information on contemporary Slovene theatre and access to the digitalised artefacts of Slovene theatre heritage, in collaboration with the Slovenian Theatre Institute.Slovenian Theatre Institute. +
Launched in 2007, - Slovene tLaunched in 2007, - Slovene theatre portal is a project of Novi ZATO. Institute which provides free-of-charge and daily updated information on contemporary Slovene theatre and access to the digitalised artefacts of Slovene theatre heritage, in collaboration with the Slovenian Theatre Institute.tion with the Slovenian Theatre Institute. +
SI-2250 +