Konj Puppet Theatre
18 Nov 2016
30 Nov 2016
Duck, Death and the Tulip, produced by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, You Catch!, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre, and Doctor Faustus, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, at the 7th Lutkokaz Puppetry Festival
6 Apr 2016
11 Apr 2016
United Kingdom Aberdeen, Cumbernauld, Glenrothes, Lochgelly, North Berwick Cumbernauld Theatre, Lochgelly Centre, North Berwick Community Centre, Rothes Halls, The Lemon Tree
Catch Me!, produced by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre at the Puppet Animation Festival in Scotland
24 Sep 2015
Krabat, co-produced by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre, at the 9th International Puppet Theatre for Adults Festival "Pierrot"
17 Jun 2015
You Catch!, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre, at the MATEŘINKA Festival
6 Jun 2015
30 Sep 2015
Loutky a automaty, a puppet exhibition by Silvan Omerzu (Konj Puppet Theatre),
8 Feb 2014
You Catch!, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre, at the Small Size, Big Festival
9 Nov 2013
13 Nov 2013
You Catch!, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre at the Festival Culturescapes
3 Nov 2013
4 Nov 2013
You Catch!, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre, and The Trial or The Woeful Story of Joseph K. produced by the Maribor Puppet Theatre, at the 18th Puppet Theatre Festival Rijeka
26 Oct 2013
You Catch!, produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre,
15 May 2013
You Catch! produced by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and co-produced by Konj Puppet Theatre at the International Festival of Puppet Theatre for Children - LUT Fest
20 Sep 2011
Forbidden Loves by Silvan Omerzu produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre at the Spectaculo Interesse Festival Ostrava
2 Sep 2011
Forbidden Loves by Silvan Omerzu produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre at the International Puppet Theatre Festival PIF
20 Aug 2010
Forbidden Loves by Silvan Omerzu produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre at the Pécs International Puppet Festival for Adults
To date Omerzu has received the Prešeren Foundation Award in 2006 and several Slovenian and international puppetry awards. ). In 2010, his performance Forbidden Loves, based on antique motifs, was awarded at the festivals in Hungary, Croatia and Bulgaria. In Summer 2015, the exhibition Loutky a automaty at the Castle Sovinec (CZ) offered a retrospective overview of Omerzu's site-specific puppet installations.
Konj Puppet Theatre's performances have been co-produced with Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre, Glej Theatre, Mladinsko Theatre, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre or Maribor Puppet Theatre.
Sivan Omerzu's interpretation of Pinocchio [Ostržek]. Produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre in 2015.
Early performances
The troupe created many collaborative performances with animators Brane Vižintin and Boštjan Sever, writer Andrej Rozman-Roza, musician Erno Sebastian and other guest artists, and also prepared productions based on texts by Louis Edmond Duranty (Make a Coffin for Him, 1993), Lorenzo da Ponte (Don Juan, 1995), Alfred Jarry (King Ubu, 1998) and Federico Garcia Lorca (Don Cristobal Alba, 2000). The troupe's performances have been presented and awarded at festivals at home and abroad, in Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, the Czech Republic, and the USA.
Silvan Omerzu continued in 2001–2003 with the trilogy Stories of Life and Death with premières at Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre: Farewell, Prince was based on the drama by the Flemish playwright and mystic Michel de Ghelderode, while Sandmann and Councillor Krespel were based on E. T. A. Hoffman's stories. In these productions, Omerzu's grotesque puppets were transformed into refined aesthetic creatures contemplating the purpose of life, the magic of death, pure art, divine perfection, and the mystery of creation.
In 2006, at the Mladinsko Theatre he directed the performance Kleist based on the love correspondence between the outsider of German Romanticism, Heinrich von Kleist, and various women. Two years later, Omerzu adapted Ivan Cankar's short story The Ward of Our Lady of Mercy for the stage in the cellars of Mladinsko, transcribing the symbolist and decadent atmosphere of Cankar's writing into an irresistible dramatic work.
His next collaboration with Mladinsko Theatre was the staging of a verse drama The Tower (Stolp) about the German romantic poet Friedrich Hölderlin written by Ivo Svetina. With the confrontation and intertwinement of actors and puppets he continued his exploration of the relationship between them. With his characteristic minimalism of puppet animation he put under question the necessity of puppet movement.
In 2009, Omerzu adapted and directed the story from Ovid's Metamorphoses about Echo and Narcissus. He continued with ancient myths in 2009 in Forbidden Loves, coproduced with Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. Forbidden Loves presents the stories of Echo and Narcissus, Daedalus and Icarus, Queen Pasiphae (who conceived with a bull and gave birth to Minotaurus) and Pygmalion (the sculptor who fell in love with one of his sculptures). The performance received many international awards in Hungary, Croatia, and Bulgaria as well as at home in Slovenia.
Queen Parsiphea, who makes love with the divine bull and gives birth to Minotaur: just one of the famous antique motives featured in Prepovedane ljubezni [Forbidden Loves] conceived by Silvan Omerzu, a director and artist. Produced by Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre in 2009.
The new Pinnochio interpretation and stage visualisation that Omerzu staged at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre in 2015 features puppets of different techniques and dimensions, acting, shadows and music.
Silvan Omerzu has also engaged in the visual arts: his fine art puppet-sculpture ambient installation Tears was presented at Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki and at Ljubljana Castle, and was subsequently shown in Brussels in January 2008 within the scope of the Europalia project.
In 2009, Omerzu set up the Table Scenes, a site-specific installation at the International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, a series of miniature table scenes arranged with puppets in various poses at the backdrop of the exhibition rooms doorways, a combination of light and objects which drew the viewer into imaginary worlds.
"In his combination of materials and technology, Omerzu creates an impressive work of design and sculpture, which contains an elemental energy he then sets in motion. There is no free will in this motion; instead, we see a kind of primordial order, in which man is not the measure of all things, a world that is governed by laws based on a different origin of nature and life."
Children's perfomances
Although Omerzu's work is mainly intended for adult audiences, there have been some children's performances by Konj Puppet Theatre. The performances Among them were a series of performances (2006–2010) focusing on Kroki, a little crocodile who has many other animal friends.
Ti loviš (You're it!) written by Saša Eržen was set on stage by Sivan Omerzu with the ensemble of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre in 2012 and toured with it widely (Sarajevo, Rijeka, Switzerland, Austria, United Kingdom).
Ti loviš [You Catch] performance was directed by Sivan Omerzu who created the puppets and set design. Ljubljana Puppet Theatre's ensemble toured with it to Sarajevo, Rijeka, Switzerland, Austria and United Kingdom.
See also
External links
- Konj Puppet Theatre children performances web page
- Presentation of Forbidden Loves including a short video
- Gallery of Silvan Omerzu's projects on Europeana
- Catalogue of the Table Scenes exhibition