Fru Fru Puppet Theatre



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Lutkovno gledališče Fru Fru
Posavskega 22, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0)1 534 6808
Past events

Founded in 1984, Fru Fru Puppet Theatre is a repertory puppet theatre, producing performances based on communication with children through a combination of puppetry, acting, and live music. Now based at House of Children and Arts, Fru Fru Puppet Theatre is the vehicle for the work of Irena Rajh, Marjan Kunaver, Ana Špik, and Anže Virant, although the theatre co-operates with numerous visual artists, puppet makers, and directors. Its productions have been presented widely in Slovenia and abroad and have received many awards.


Fru Fru Puppet Theatre was founded by student puppeteers who worked at Pionirski dom (Pioneer Home) with Lojze Kovačič as their tutor and produced several small-scale mobile performances that toured kindergartens and schools. Later on, the ensemble (which then included Mateja Bizjak, Ava Lokošek, Irena Rajh, and Andreja Hočevar) fell apart. However, in 1992 Irena Rajh established a family puppet theatre troupe with her husband Marjan Kunaver, reviving the Fru Fru name.


Fru Fru Puppet Theatre collaborates with numerous puppet makers and designers, such as Igor Cvetko, Marko A. Kovačič, Marina Hrovatin, Petra Petan puppetry directors, such as Jelena Sitar, Matevž Gregorič, Katja Povše, Jan Zakonjšek, Mateja Bizjak, musicians, visual and puppet artists, and writers. Fru Fru also collaborates extensively with Zapik Theatre and Konj Puppet Theatre. Its productions regularly appear and are awarded at the Slovene Puppetry Biennial and the Summer Puppet Pier Festival.

Fru Fru's productions have appeared also at international puppetry festivals in Belgium, Poland, Croatia, Scotland (best children's performance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival), Italy, Austria, the USA (regularly touring in the Washington area), etc.

See also

External links

... more about "Fru Fru Puppet Theatre"
Lutkovno gledališče Fru Fru +
Lutkovno gledališče Fru Fru +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Posavskega 22 +
Founded in 1984, Fru Fru Puppet Theatre is a repertory puppet theatre, producing performances based on communication with children through a combination of puppetry, acting, and live music. +
Founded in 1984, Fru Fru Puppet Theatre is a repertory puppet theatre, producing performances based on communication with children through a combination of puppetry, acting, and live music. +
+386 /1 534 6808 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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