Slovene Piano Teachers Association – EPTA


Društvo klavirskih pedagogov Slovenije – EPTA
Stari trg 34, 1000-SI Ljubljana
Phone040 720 203

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The European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA) is an international, nonprofit association of piano, organ and harpsichord music educators. The primary aim of the association is to promote the development of Slovene piano pedagogy and its recognition in the world by improving the professional education of piano, organ and harpsichord teachers, thus, improving the quality of teaching and knowledge transfer in general.


Founded by Carola Grindea in 1978 in London, it has today grown along with the expansion of the European borders. The association's numerous activities such as conferences, competitions, master classes, seminars and international congresses on pedagogical themes are today presented in all of the member countries.

Concert series

Following the example of the main association, the Slovene branch of the EPTA, the Slovene Piano Teachers Association - EPTA organises several different workshops, events and conferences. One of the best-known cycles of concerts is "Pianissimo", aimed at young promising pianists who have already graduated and to winners of the national competition Commission for Music and Ballet Competitions (TEMSIG). Each year, the organisation holds "Piano days" in different cities in Slovenia, with different topics and concerts at the forefront.

Other activities

The association also organises the children's workshop "Kaj dela vaja?" which encourages children to develop their musical skills and spend more time with their instruments. They also publish a magazine called VirKLA, which is an annually published journal for piano music educators, musicians and others working in the area of music pedagogy.

In 2010, the 32nd International EPTA Conference was held in Ljubljana.

External links

Društvo klavirskih pedagogov Slovenije – EPTA +
Društvo klavirskih pedagogov Slovenije – EPTA +
1000-SI Ljubljana +
Stari trg 34 +
The European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA) is an international, nonprofit association of piano, organ and harpsichord music educators. +
The European Piano Teachers Association (EPTA) is an international, nonprofit association of piano, organ and harpsichord music educators. +
+040 720 203 +
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