Commission for Music and Ballet Competitions (TEMSIG)



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The Commission for Music and Ballet Competitions (TEMSIG) is a body of the National Commission for Music Education at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport established in 1992. TEMSIG organises the annual Slovene Young Musicians Competition and the biennial Slovene Young Ballet Dancers Competition. It is a member of the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth (EMCY) and in collaboration with this international organisation it organises the international triennial European Young Organists Competition in Slovenia.

TEMSIG's annual programme is financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Ministry of Culture, while the competition in the EMCY framework has also been supported by international funding. The winners of national competitions often successfully participate at EMCY music competitions abroad. Consequently around 60 young Slovene musicians present their talent and skills abroad each year.

See also

External links

TEMSIG - Komisija za glasbena tekmovanja +
TEMSIG - Komisija za glasbena tekmovanja +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gradaška 24 +
The Commission for Music and Ballet Competitions (TEMSIG) is a body of the National Commission for Music Education at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport established in 1992. +
+386 / 41 365 597 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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