Saxophone Music Association



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Glasbeno društvo Saksofonija
Rozmanova 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana

The Saxophone Music Association was founded in 2002. Uniting musicians, music educators, and music fans, it focuses on the education, promotion, and organisation of events connected to saxophone music and musicians. The association seeks to popularise saxophone music and affect cultural development and at the same time maintain a high academic level, all the while promoting the work of Slovene saxophonists. In 2006 it organised the 14th World Saxophone Congress in Ljubljana.


In 2009 the association coorganised a new cycle of concerts for saxophone, with the aim of increasing the interest of the Slovene public for listening to and studying this instrument. The concert series "Saksofon gre na pot" originally established in 2007 brought together both young Slovene saxophonists as well as established home saxophonists and ensembles.

The association organises annual master studio workshops and the international saxophone competition "Saksistra" which takes place in Koper Music School and has several accompanying events, concerts, and meetings. The categories in the competition are age levelled.

Together with Nova Gorica Music School and Nova Gorica Arts Centre they are co-organising International Saxophone Meeting which is the annual gathering for young saxophone players from Slovenia and abroad.

External links

Glasbeno društvo Saksofonija +
Glasbeno društvo Saksofonija +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Rozmanova 8 +
The Saxophone Music Association was founded in 2002. +
The Saxophone Music Association was founded in 2002. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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