Talum Art Collection

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Umetniška zbirka Talum
Tovarniška cesta 10, SI-2325 Kidričevo
Phone386 (0) 2 799 5100, 386 (0) 2 799 5121

Since the beginning of the 1990s the Talum aluminium company in Kidričevo has been known as a significant patron of the contemporary fine arts in Slovenia, engaged in building up its own collection. With more than 800 art works of over 130 artists, the Talum Art Collection presently focuses on the art production of regional and national artists. The collection displays a modernist and post-modernist character.


The first acquisitions of the Talum Art Collection established in 1991 were the results of artist colonies of local painters which gathered that year for the first time at Štatenberg Castle. After the artist colonies were discontinued in 2003, the collection has since continued collecting art in the form of acquisition by purchase. The artist colonies were organised again in 2014 and 2024, as a part of the Talum anniversary programmes.


In the beginning the Talum Collection focused basically on collecting paintings from the artists connected with Ptuj and its surroundings (Dušan Fišer, Dušan Kirbiš, Tomaž Plavec, Viktor Rebernak). In 2002 photographers gathered in Ptuj and the pictures they took of the factory buildings at Kidričevo were added to the collection – such as the work of Stojan Kerbler, a great name in Slovene photography who was employed at the aluminium factory up to his retirement in 2000. Recently, acquisitions have started to focus more and more on national artists and additionally purchased graphics and sculptures. In 2008 the sculptures of the Slovene group Wild at Heart and graphics of Božidar Jakac and Riko Debenjak were acquired. The collection also comprises works of established Slovene artists like Irwin, Metka Kraševec, Jožef Muhovič, Janez Bernik, Andrej Jemec, etc.


The collection is exhibited in the main building of Talum company in Kidričevo, which in 2004 was renovated by the architect Janko J. Zadravec, who kept all modernistic elements of the edifice built in the mid-1940s by the architect Danilo Fürst. The entrance hall of the building is known as the gallery of the Talum Art Collection, where the most recent acquisitions are usually on view. Other artworks purchased by Talum have exceeded the basic intention of the collection &ndash, namely to enhance the working environment in the Kidričevo administration building.

In 2002, with a strict selection and an accompanying catalog, including a list of all the works gathered to date, the Talum Art collection was presented to the public in the Jakopič Gallery in Ljubljana. Recently, it was also presented at the Majšperk and Ptuj galleries.

See also

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Umetniška zbirka Talum +
Umetniška zbirka Talum +
SI-2325 Kidričevo +
Tovarniška cesta 10 +
Since the beginning of the 1990s the Talum aluminium company in Kidričevo has been known as a significant patron of the contemporary fine arts in Slovenia, engaged in building up its own collection. +
Since the beginning of the 1990s the Talum aluminium company in Kidričevo has been known as a significant patron of the contemporary fine arts in Slovenia, engaged in building up its own collection. +
+386 / 2 799 5100, 386 / 2 799 5121 +
Kidričevo +
SI-2325 +
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