Category:Theatre funding, professional and support services


The articles below include many funders and support services related to arts and culture across all disciplines as well as theatre-specific professional assocations. For dance-specific professional associations and support services, see: Category:Dance funding, professional and support services.

Creative Europe Desk Slovenia

The Creative Europe Desk Slovenia (CED Slovenia) is run by the Motovila Institute. It was established in January 2014 as a national information office for promotion of the EU Creative Europe programme (2014–2020) that supports cultural and audiovisual sectors. It performs the tasks of the former CCP Slovenia and Media Desk Slovenia.

European Union House 2017 Creative Europe Desk Slovenia event.jpgCreative Europe Desk Slovenia event at European Union House, 2017.

NOT ROBOT, INFOBOX DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, NIFERTIK, WRITING, TOPROOFREAD, HAS LOGO, NO PHOTO, Updated 2017, Articles maintained by Editor, Funding, Funding, professional and support services, Museum support services, Support services, Architecture support services, Architecture funding, professional and support services, Museum funding, professional and support services, Film support services, Film funding, professional and support services, Information offices, New media art support services, Visual arts support services, Library support services, Archival support services, Music support services, Archival funding, professional and support services, Library funding, professional and support services, Music funding, professional and support services, New media art funding, professional and support services, Dance support services, Dance funding, professional and support services, International funding, Film funding, Web resources, Cultural management, Cultural management support services, Literature funding, Literature support services, Literature funding, professional and support services, Design support services, Design funding, professional and support services, Theatre support services, Theatre funding, professional and support services, Architecture funding, Visual arts funding, New media art funding, Theatre funding, Dance funding, Music funding, Museum funding, Library funding, Archival funding, Design funding, Funding web resources

European Union House 2017 Creative Europe Desk Slovenia event.jpg


The Slovenian Association of Dramatic Artists is a voluntary non-profit organisation of Slovene professional drama artists which aims to stimulate the quality and development of theatre culture and dramatic art. It monitors legislation in the field of culture, proposes new regulations, gives recommendations for awards and posts, fosters exchange of professionals, undertakes educational projects, and engages in international collaboration. The association cooperates with the International Theatre Institute (ITI) and is a member of the International Federation of Actors (FIA).

NOT ROBOT, NEEDSUPDATE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Articles maintained by Katja Kosi, Article, Theatre & Dance, Theatre, NIFERTIK, WRITING, INFOBOX, TOPROOFREAD, HAS LOGO, NO PHOTO, Funding, professional and support services, Support services, Professional associations, Theatre support services, Theatre funding, professional and support services, Professional theatre associations

Slovenian Association of Dramatic Artists (logo).svg