Motovila Institute


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MOTOVILA, Center za spodbujanje sodelovanja v kulturnih in ustvarjalnih sektorjih
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
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Motovila, Centre for the Promotion of Cooperation in the Cultural and Creative Sectors, established in 2013 as a non-governmental and non-profit institute based in Ljubljana, focuses on encouraging international collaboration in the cultural and creative sectors as well as in related and complementary sectors.

Motovila’s programme encompasses counselling, training, networking, promotional and research activities in order to facilitate international cultural connections. The team strives to equip cultural workers with skills that are necessary for successful access to cooperation opportunities available within the EU and other international mechanisms.

Creative Europe Desk Slovenia

Motovila is in charge of implementing the programme of the Creative Europe Desk (CED) Slovenia, the official national information office for the promotion of Creative Europe (2014–2020), the EU framework programme supporting European cultural and audiovisual sectors. The CED work programme is supported by the European Commission and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

Based on many years of experience in providing support to the culture and film sectors within the national information centres of the former EU programmes (from 2002 onward), the Motovila team has built up an extensive network of (inter)national connections and became an important intermediary between the sectors’ representatives and the respective EU/national institutions in the field of culture.


Motovila is a member of Culture Action Europe (CAE), a European network of cultural organisations and individuals. CAE is the biggest umbrella organisation representing the cultural sector at the European level, working on European cultural policy issues and dedicated to promote culture as a necessary condition for sustainable development both at a local and European scale.

In 2013, the teams of Motovila/CED Slovenia and initiated a still on-going data mining and interoperability project resulting in interactive EU Funding infographics (accompanied by analyses and comparative researches) representing data related to the EU funding for culture, film and audiovisual sectors raised by Slovene organisations since 2002 onward.

See also

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MOTOVILA, Center za spodbujanje sodelovanja v kulturnih in ustvarjalnih sektorjih +
MOTOVILA, Center za spodbujanje sodelovanja v kulturnih in ustvarjalnih sektorjih +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trg prekomorskih brigad 1 +
Motovila, Centre for the Promotion of CoopMotovila, Centre for the Promotion of Cooperation in the Cultural and Creative Sectors, established in 2013 as a non-governmental and non-profit institute based in Ljubljana, focuses on encouraging international collaboration in the cultural and creative sectors as well as in related and complementary sectors.l as in related and complementary sectors. +
Motovila, Centre for the Promotion of CoopMotovila, Centre for the Promotion of Cooperation in the Cultural and Creative Sectors, established in 2013 as a non-governmental and non-profit institute based in Ljubljana, focuses on encouraging international collaboration in the cultural and creative sectors as well as in related and complementary sectors.l as in related and complementary sectors. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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