Depot:Mura Regional Development Agency Ltd, Pomurje Region



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Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Mura d.o.o.
Lendavska 5a, SI-9000 Murska Sobota
Phone386 (0) 2 536 1461

The Mura Regional Development Agency is not active anymore.

Archival article

The Mura Regional Development Agency Ltd, Pomurje Region was originally established in 1996 as the Regional Business Centre Murska Sobota, but in 1997 it was renamed, becoming one out of four ‘pilot’ regional institutions established with the aim of decentralisation. It subsequently acquired a status of a research agency registered as a limited liability company.

Pomurje is a region situated in the north east of the country bordering Austria, Hungary and Croatia, and is perhaps the most characteristic agricultural region in Slovenia. It covers a relatively restrictive surface area of 1,336 square kilometres (6.6 per cent of the total land area of Slovenia) and has about 130,000 inhabitants, 6.5 per cent of the total Slovene population. Its relatively clean and well-preserved environment is currently being targeted for nature-oriented development.

Founders of RDA Mura include all 26 municipalities of Pomurje, the Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Regional Chambers of Crafts, the Pomurje Technology Centre, the Research Centre Lendava, the Republic of Slovenia Small Business Development Centre and various private companies of Pomurje, including Pomurje Bank, Triglav Insurance and Mura European Fashion Design.

Mission and activities

In promoting the development of the Pomurje region according to the regional plan Mura 2000, the Agency plays the role of linker and co-ordinator of state, local and private interests, focusing primarily on the small industry and private sector. Its main areas of activity are financial support, technology development, human resources potential, information and methodological knowledge and cross-border co-operation. RDA Mura hosts both the TEMPUS PHARE CBC PIU Regional Office and the secretariat of TRI-D, which is currently preparing a Joint Regional Development Strategy on behalf of Slovenia, Hungary and Austria financed by the TEMPUS PHARE CBC Programme.

See also

External links

Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Mura d.o.o. +
Regionalna razvojna agencija (RRA) Mura d.o.o. +
SI-9000 Murska Sobota +
Lendavska 5a +
The Mura Regional Development Agency Ltd, Pomurje RegionThe Mura Regional Development Agency Ltd, Pomurje Region was originally established in 1996 as the Regional Business Centre Murska Sobota, but in 1997 it was renamed, becoming one out of four ‘pilot’ regional institutions established with the aim of decentralisation.ablished with the aim of decentralisation. +
The Mura Regional Development Agency Ltd, The Mura Regional Development Agency Ltd, Pomurje Region was originally established in 1996 as the Regional Business Centre Murska Sobota, but in 1997 it was renamed, becoming one out of four ‘pilot’ regional institutions established with the aim of decentralisation.ablished with the aim of decentralisation. +
+386 / 2 536 1461 +
Murska Sobota +
SI-9000 +
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