Educa Publishing House


Educa izobraževanje, Zavod za izobraževanje, založništvo, raziskovanje in svetovanje Nova Gorica
Šempas 84, SI-5261 Šempas
Phone386 (0) 8 2053 225
Managed byMelior d.o.o.

Established in 1990, Educa Publishing House specialises in scientific literature on innovation in the public sector and publishes periodicals. Educa also delivers professional training to the public sector, education in particular.

Publishing programme

Educa predominately publishes scientific literature in the areas of education, psychology, and (less often) the humanities. Their repertory is occasionally supplemented by children’s literature, as well as poetry and fiction. Though their books fall under the category of scientific writing, they will undoubtedly interest a wide readership concerned with education. The six-book series European Impressions received the EU’s Culture Programme 2007—2013 funding in 2007.

They also publish periodicals. Educa is one of the first and foremost pedagogical journals in Slovenia, providing professionals with valuable insight into education since 1991. With six issues per year, the journal maintains the delicate balance between theory and practice, between articles that display a high degree of academic rigour and those that reflect on real-life experiences.

Two of their past periodicals include Neprofitni menedžment [Nonprofit Management], a magazine promoting nonprofit sector management, and Preverjanje in ocenjevanje [Testing and Evaluation].

In addition, they publish specialised planners for an easier and more efficient work process.


Educa is conscious of the importance of additional education and training in the public sector, especially in the field of education. By way of organising seminars, workshops, conferences, and discussions, they aim to present the latest development in a slew of areas, from child health, teaching children with special needs, to legislation and policy.

External links

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Educa izobraževanje, Zavod za izobraževanje, založništvo, raziskovanje in svetovanje Nova Gorica +
Educa izobraževanje, Zavod za izobraževanje, založništvo, raziskovanje in svetovanje Nova Gorica +
SI-5261 Šempas +
Šempas 84 +
Established in 1990, Educa Publishing House specialises in scientific literature on innovation in the public sector and publishes periodicals. +
Established in 1990, Educa Publishing House specialises in scientific literature on innovation in the public sector and publishes periodicals. +
+386 / 8 2053 225 +
Šempas +
SI-5261 +
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