Slovenj Gradec Music School


Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec
Glavni trg 40, SI-2380 Slovenj Gradec

Phone386 (0) 2 883 1615

The Slovenj Gradec Music School, founded in 1953, works as a member of the Association of Slovene Music Schools, the latter a member of the European Federation of Music Schools since 1993. Its seat is located in birthplace of famous composer Hugo Wolf (1860–1903) in Slovenj Gradec. The school offers various programs of music and dance lessons for children, students and adults. It is also known for its students' successful performances and frequent awards on national and international competitions. The school regularly cooperates with educational institutions in Slovenj Gradec such as elementary and secondary schools, cultural homes, child protection institutions, the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia and others.

Partner schools

The Slovenj Gradec Music School cooperates with Slovene and foreign music schools. Its Slovene partners are Ravne na Koroškem Music School, Radlje ob Dravi Music School, Slavko Osterc Music School and Ilirska Bistrica Music School, and its foreign partner schools are Zakladna umelecka škola Cesky Krumlov in the Czech Republic, the Slovene Music School in Klagenfurt, Glasbena Matica in Trieste and Sing und Musikschüle Regensburg in Germany. One of the school's primary goals is to cooperate with as many music schools as possible and to obtain valuable professional experience to develop new skills, sociability, vitality, tolerance, and communication. The integration and cooperation provide teachers and students knowledge of the European dimension of such education and creativity in Europe and the opportunity to discover new options.

See also

External links

Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec +
Glasbena šola Slovenj Gradec +
SI-2380 Slovenj Gradec +
Glavni trg 40 +
The Slovenj Gradec Music School, founded in 1953, works as a member of the Association of Slovene Music Schools, the latter a member of the European Federation of Music Schools since 1993. +
The Slovenj Gradec Music School, founded in 1953, works as a member of the Association of Slovene Music Schools, the latter a member of the European Federation of Music Schools since 1993. +
+386 / 2 883 1615 +
Slovenj Gradec +
SI-2380 +