Saint Nicholas Choir Litija


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Zbor svetega Nikolaja Litija
Valvazorjev trg 1, SI-1270 Litija
Past events

Established in 1997, the Saint Nicholas Choir Litija has grown into a mixed choir of over 45 singers. From its beginnings it has been led by Helena Fojkar Zupančič with the help of Janez Klobčar. Renowned in Slovenia and abroad, along with other high achievements, the choir was awarded first place and a golden plaque at the 19th Naša pesem Choir Competition 2005 in Maribor. The choir has recorded 3 albums.

Cooperation and international character

The Saint Nicholas Choir Litija has cooperated with many renowned soloists and ensembles, such as: RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra and conductor David de Villiers, trumpeter Stanko Arnold, bass-baritone Marcos Fink, pianist Zoran Škrinjar, singer Vlado Kreslin and so on. In July 2011 the choir performed as a part of a massive choir in Gustav Mahler's 8th Symphony under the famous conductor Valery Gergijev. The Saint Nicholas Choir Litija has also cooperated with one of the world's greatest experts on gospel and spiritual music Paul A. Smith from the USA. The choir is managed by the Nova Kultura Litija cultural organisation and is a member of the European Choir Union Europa Cantat.


The repertoire of the Saint Nicholas Choir Litija spans many different musical periods. They give special attention to Slovene folk songs (many of them have been recorded on their latest album Eno drevce) and sacred music (compositions of Gallus, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Lajos Bardos, etc.). Celebrated contemporary Slovene composers – Damijan Močnik, Ambrož Čopi, Nana Forte, Peter Šavli, Ivan Florjanc and Črt Sojar Voglar – have also written new compositions for this choir.

Prizes and competitions

The choir has received many awards and prizes at the following national and international choir competitions: Naša pesem Choir Competition in 2005 (first place and a golden plaque), 7th International Choral Competition in Maribor 2004 (second place and all of the special awards), 45th International Choral Competition C. A. Seghizzi 2006, Italy (third place in the monographic programme), International Choir Competition Venezia in Musica in Venice, Italy 2011 (first place).

See also

External links

Zbor svetega Nikolaja Litija +
Zbor svetega Nikolaja Litija +
SI-1270 Litija +
Valvazorjev trg 1 +
Established in 1997, the Saint Nicholas Choir Litija has grown into a mixed choir of over 45 singers. +
Established in 1997, the Saint Nicholas Choir Litija has grown into a mixed choir of over 45 singers. +
Litija +
SI-1270 +
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