Šolsko polje (School Field Journal)

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Published since 1990, Šolsko polje (School Field Journal) is an international journal of theory and research in education. It publishes contributions in Slovenian and English that are the result of formal research projects, theoretical and empirical papers contributing to the development of educational theory, and discussion articles on a wide array of topics. The journal is published is published three times a year by the Slovene Society of Researchers in the School Field and the Educational Research Institute (ERI), Ljubljana.

The aim of the journal is to place the issue of education in the context of contemporary theoretical debates by querying its boundaries and to discuss general concepts arising from the current social changes and the development of educational theory. It publishes original scientific research articles, expert articles, scientific review articles and reviews of national and international monographs on all aspects of education and educational research (philosophy of education, sociology of education, applied epistemology, developmental psychology, educational psychology, pedagogy, andragogy, pedagogical methodology, etc.).

The journal expands the theory of educational policy, challenging the coherence of the confinements and borders of established institutional structures, subjects, and imposed disciplinary forms. Past themes include the following: Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education; Redefining Citizenship Education: Common Parallels and Challenges; Human Rights; Inclusion and Education and Citizenship Education and Political Theory: Reflections in Language; and Educational Sciences and their Concepts.

Šolsko polje is an open-access journal. All articles become permanently available on the journal’s website immediately after publication and can be accessed freely with no registration or subscription fee required.

See also

External links

Šolsko Polje (School Field Journal) +
Šolsko Polje (School Field Journal) +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Mestni trg 17 +
Published since 1990, Šolsko polje (School Field Journal) is an international journal of theory and research in education. +
Published since 1990, Šolsko polje (School Field Journal) is an international journal of theory and research in education. +
+386 / 1 420 1240, 386 / 1 420 1242 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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