Educational Research Institute (ERI)



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Pedagoški inštitut
Gerbičeva 62, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 420 1240

Established in 1965 by the Government of the Federative Republic of Slovenia, the Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central research institution in Slovenia for research in education, undertaking basic, research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas. From 1970 to 1995 it was associated with University of Ljubljana; since 1995 it has had the status of a public research institution and independent research foundation. ERI has been involved in various international projects which have a central role in the institute's work, e.g. Education for Citizenship (Council of Europe) and IEA Studies (CIVICS, TIMSS, IEA Pre-primary Education). The ERI has also established firm links with the organisation OECD.

See also

External links

Pedagoški inštitut +
Pedagoški inštitut +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Gerbičeva 62 +
Established in 1965 by the Government of tEstablished in 1965 by the Government of the Federative Republic of Slovenia, the Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central research institution in Slovenia for research in education, undertaking basic, research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas.ll sectors of education and related areas. +
Established in 1965 by the Government of tEstablished in 1965 by the Government of the Federative Republic of Slovenia, the Educational Research Institute (ERI) is the central research institution in Slovenia for research in education, undertaking basic, research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas.ll sectors of education and related areas. +
Pedagoški inštitut je osrednja raziskovalna institucija v Sloveniji za raziskave na področju izobraževanja, ki izvaja temeljne, raziskovalne, razvojne in aplikativne projekte o aktualnih vprašanjih izobraževanja in sorodnih področij. +
+386 / 1 420 1240 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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