Studia Slovenica Archives Research Institute



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Studia slovenica, raziskovanje slovenske kulture
Phone386 (0) 1 512 1513

The Studia Slovenica Archives Research Institute keeps archival material of Slovene emigrants in Europe, North America, Latin America, and Australia. A part was created after the World War II by Slovene refugees in the refugee camps in Austria and Italy (1945–1950). The organisation Studia Slovenica Archives Research Institute was founded in 1991 by the Catholic Institute of Slovenia that runs the Faculty of Business Studies in Ljubljana.


The merit for keeping up and supplementing the archives, which travelled for half a century around the world until it finally came to Slovenia at the date of Slovene war of independence, goes to Janez Arnež, who in 1957 founded the Studio Slovenica Institute in Washington, D.C. (United States). Janez Arnež devoted himself to writing about his nation (Slovenes), and collected books, archives and other cultural material. The archives finally found their place in the homeland at the institution of St Stanislav in Ljubljana.


Today Studia Slovenica collection includes more than 40,000 books, several hundred titles of diaspora magazines and newspapers, a collection of France Gorše art works, and some extremely rare objects from the Slovene post-war refugee camps. The collection, which contains several unique items, is still growing.


Much of the material collected by the Studia Slovenica Archives Research Institute has been published in the monographical series Studia Slovenica (32 titles since 1965) and the quarterly Viewpoints [Pogledi]. The series also presents archival material on Slovene emigrants in the USA, missionary letters, bibliographies, and so on. In 2005 the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (ARS) published a Guidebook on the Archival Material of Studia Slovenica, compiled by Andreja Klasinc Škofljanec, an archivist at the ARS.

See also

External links

Studia slovenica, raziskovanje slovenske kulture +
Studia slovenica, raziskovanje slovenske kulture +
SI-1000 Ljubljana-Šentvid +
Štula 23 +
The Studia Slovenica Archives Research Institute keeps archival material of Slovene emigrants in Europe, North America, Latin America, and Australia. +
The Studia Slovenica Archives Research Institute keeps archival material of Slovene emigrants in Europe, North America, Latin America, and Australia. +
+386 / 1 512 1513 +
Ljubljana-Šentvid +
SI-1000 +
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