Depot:Vzkrik Festival
Archival article
Vzkrik Festival is a festival of drama writing, which has been taking place since 2017. Every year, the festival in the form of reading performances presents seven new full-length Slovene drama texts, created as part of a cycle of playwriting workshops under the mentorship of various mentors.
The festival is produced by the KUD Krik Association, Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia and Mladinsko Theatre, with the help of project partners Trubar Literature House, Maska Institute, Prešeren Theatre Kranj, Week of Slovenian Drama and Integrali Cultural Association.
The platform for drama writing Vzkrik was created well before 2017, in the form of playwriting workshops and out of the need to provide young and non-established playwrights with a platform where they can develop their works. In 2017, the organizers then created the Vzkrik festival, where they staged all the texts created in the workshops in the form of reading performances. With reading performances on stage, the new authors were given the opportunity to present themselves to the general public.
Festival editions
The first Vzkrik Festival – festival of drama writing in 2017 presented seven drama texts, created as part of playwriting workshops, that year under the mentorship of the multiple Grum Award-winner Simona Semenič. The writers applied with an authorial idea, which they then developed into a full-length drama in the workshops. At the festival, young theatre directors and actors – in cooperation with established ones – presented reading performances of the resulting texts, followed by various discussions with authors and creators, and a round table entitled Contemporary Drama, moderated by Varja Hrvatin.
The next editions of Vzkrik Festival – four so far – followed the initial mission of creating space for newly created drama texts. The festival was established as a rotating festival, which, as an independent and autonomous festival, is hosted in institutional theatres throughout Slovenia. Other mentors, renowned and established theatre artists, in addition to Simona Semenič also Mare Bulc or Ana Duša, take part in the creation of new dramas at the playwriting workshops held at the Trubar Literature House. However, working with theatre actors and directors in staging of texts is the first and therefore all the more valuable experience for many writers. Every year, the festival is accompanied by a rich theoretical reflection, round tables and discussions with the participation of renowned Slovene theatre theorists, such as Alja Lobnik, Aldo Milohnić, Zala Dobovšek, Petra Pogorevc, Tomaž Toporišič, and others.
Many playwrights and directors have participated in various editions of Vzkrik Festival, such as Varja Hrvatin, who received the Young Playwright Award from the Prešeren Theatre Kranj for her play from Vzkrik 2019, “It all started with the Bunny Rabbit Goulash” directed by Eva Kokalj. Other creators are Brina Klampfer, also the president of KUD Krik and the head of Vzkrik Festival, Kaja Blazinšek, Mitja Lovše, Nina Ramšak, Živa Bizovičar, Jernej Potočan, Jaka Smerkolj, Suzana Tratnik, Aljoša Živadinov Zupančič and many others.
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