Dejmo Stisnt Theatre



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Dejmo stisnt teater
Jenkova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 41 467 990

Dejmo Stisnt Theatre is an independent theatre group established in 1994 in Vrhnika. Now based in Ljubljana, Dejmo Stisnt Theatre usually stages socially critical parodies and comedies in the form of indoor and street performances. Mainly financed by the group's members themselves and working on the principle of quasi democracy, that is, with various members of the theatre group taking on the role of stage director, Dejmo Stisnt Theatre has thus far created 10 evening-length performances with over 500 re-runs, numerous street performances, improvisational theatre performances, radio plays, and other events.


The group adapts modern texts that are taken either from literature or from film or comics. The group has thus staged Woody Allen's comedy God [Bog] (1995), Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs [Rezervar Dogs] (1999), Kevin Smith's Clerks [Trgovci] (2002), and David Mamet's Sexual Perversity [Seksualna perverzija] (2001).

The performance Diarrhoea Under Slovenes [Diareja pod Slovenci] (2003) was based on the comic series "Diareja" by Tomaž Lavrič that has been featured in the weekly magazine Mladina for more than two decades. Thematising the disintegration of the Yugoslav state, the show was performed over 100 times at several festivals in Slovenia as well as in Sarajevo, Split, Trieste, Belgrade, and Hanover. In 2007, the sequel Diarrhoea for the President [Diareja za predsednika], produced by No History Institute of Contemporary Arts, was created, this time with the current and everyday political issues of 'colours' and 'wings' as its theme.

In 2009, Dejmo Stisnt Theatre produced together with the No History Institute of Contemporary Arts and Glej Theatre the highly successful dramatisation of Goran Vojnović's novel Čefurji Raus!, directed by Mare Bulc, which has in 2020 seen its 400th re-run.

Improvisation group MOP

The Marlene Ottey Project (MOP) is an improvisational theatre group consisting of the members of Dejmo Stisnt Theatre. MOP are multiple winners of the improvisation theatre competition Impro liga.

See also

External links

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Dejmo stisnt teater +
Dejmo stisnt teater +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Jenkova 5 +
Dejmo Stisnt Theatre is an independent theatre group established in 1994 in Vrhnika. +
Dejmo Stisnt Theatre is an independent theatre group established in 1994 in Vrhnika. +
+386 / 41 467 990 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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