Depot:Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o


The band is not active anymore. However, its members are still prominent protagonists of the Slovene improv, rock and jazz scenes.

Archival article

Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o is a rather conventional and young jazz guitar trio. Its members are Vitja Balžalorsky (guitar), Jošt Drašler (bass guitar), and Vid Drašler (drums). They have all played in various groups, starting with Zlatko Kaučič Kombo. In addition to playing their usual gigs and sessions, the trio has also improvised live as accompaniment for animated cartoons in Slovenian Cinematheque.

See also

External links

Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o +
Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o +
Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o is a rather conventional and young jazz guitar trio. +
Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o is a rather conventional and young jazz guitar trio. +
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