ŠKUC Buba Booking and Promotion

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Buba Booking and Promotion
Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 432 7368

SKUC Buba Booking and Promotion 2006 Fantomas Melvins Big Band Photo Damjan Kocjancic.jpgThe Fantômas Melvins Big Band concert at Cvetličarna, organised by ŠKUC Buba Booking and Promotion in Ljubljana 2006

As part of the ŠKUC Association Music Division, Buba is an independent agency that has been engaged in concert booking and record promotion from 1986 on. Geographically speaking, the main location of its activities take place in Slovenia, Croatia, and Austria – at clubs, youth centres, alternative venues, as well as some more commercial theatres. Buba covers a wide range of music genres, non-genre types, and styles such as art-, avant-, progressive-, indie-, jazz rock, crossover, avant pop, experimental, alternative, hip hop and their more or less similar varieties. Up to 2018, its spiritus movens had been Irena Povše Buba, a music activist, manager and promotor.

Background and programme

Buba started its activities as a part of the worldwide celebrated Ljubljana Hard Core Kolektiv. After 2 years of promoting concerts that presented especially American hard core music (including the first Ljubljana appearance of the band Fugazi), it changed its name into HC Buba. In 1988 the Ljubljana Hard Core Kolektiv split up into Strip Core and HC Buba, so the new period began.

Among several important bands and individuals that Buba has brought to Slovenia and its neighbourhood within the last 5 years of intense promoting activity one finds: Animal Collective, The Fantômas/Melvins Big Band, No Age, Dan Deacon, ISIS, Caribou, NoMeansNo, Trevor Dunn's Trio-Convulsant, Mono, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, The Melvins, Mudhoney, Lydia Lunch's Big Sexy Noise, Tindersticks, Secret Chiefs 3, etc.

Among the promoted Slovene artists are: Dicky B. Hardy, Psycho-Path, Broken Lock, Lolita, Zmajev rep, Sphericube, Kleemar, N’Toko, Intimn Frizurn, Leaf-Fat, Dežurni krivci, DJ Borka, Zhe, Hiphophonder, Puna Syndicate, Coma Stereo, In-Sane, Tilen Artac, Summerville, Nikki Louder, Crazed Farmers, Hexenbrutal, Cry Baby, Zircus Kansky, We Can’t Sleep at Night, Muškat Hamburg, Elvis Jackson, Ironic Tronic, Manul, Carnaval, Vortex Magnolia, Ksenija Jus, The Ghen, Balžalorsky / Drašler 3o, DJ Akt Imel, Lo-Hi-Fi, Grizzly Madams, etc.

External links


Buba Booking and Promotion +
Buba Booking and Promotion +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Metelkova 6 +
As part of the ŠKUC Association Music Division, Buba is an independent agency that has been engaged in concert booking and record promotion from 1986 on. +
As part of the ŠKUC Association Music Division, Buba is an independent agency that has been engaged in concert booking and record promotion from 1986 on. +
+386 / 1 432 7368 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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