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The band stopped performing together in 2013. The band's vocalist, Mina Špiler, is now a singer in Laibach.

Archival article

Melodrom showed its affinity for alternative music linked to visual arts in 1999 when it created its first short film soundtrack. The band has since composed music for theatre and dance performances (performing live in some of them) and from 2001 it has also performed regularly in concert; its hit Extemporary Ending became popular on the former Yugoslavian CrossRadio programme.

In 2002 Radio Študent (RŠ) Klubski maraton launched the band around the Slovene club network, and in early 2003 Melodrom collaborated with fashion designer Uroš Belantič for the launch of his collection. In 2004 it worked with DJ Umek and Rotor, and the band's singer Mina Špiler was featured in Laibach's remix of Ohne dich, and also in the latest single by Rammstein. In the same year Melodrom's first album was released at Nika Records, featuring 10 examples of the Melodrom mix of trip hop, French chansons and Nick Cave. The line-up consists of Mina Špiler (vocals), Matevž Kolenc (guitar), MC 303 Polona Janežič (keyboard), Miha Žargi (bass), and Matej Nolda (drums).

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Melodrom showed its affinity for alternative music linked to visual arts in 1999 when it created its first short film soundtrack. +
Melodrom showed its affinity for alternative music linked to visual arts in 1999 when it created its first short film soundtrack. +
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